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[英]Puppet run ordering for optional classes

I am trying to solve the following problem with Puppet: 我正在尝试使用Puppet解决以下问题:

I have multiple nodes. 我有多个节点。 Each node includes a collection of classes. 每个节点都包含一个类的集合。 For instance, there is a mysql class and webserver class. 例如,有一个mysql类和webserver类。 node1 is a webserver only, node2 is webserver + mysql. node1仅是Web服务器,node2是webserver + mysql。

I want to specify that IF a node has both webserver and mysql, the mysql install will happen before webserver. 我想指定如果节点同时具有Web服务器和mysql,则mysql安装将在Web服务器之前进行。

I cannot have Class[mysql] -> Class[webserver] dependency, because the MySQL support is optional. 我不能具有Class[mysql] -> Class[webserver]依赖项,因为MySQL支持是可选的。

I tried to use stages, but they seem to introduce dependencies between my classes, so if I have eg this: 我尝试使用阶段,但是它们似乎在我的类之间引入了依赖关系,所以如果我有例如:

Stage[db] -> Stage[web]
class {
  stage => web ;
  stage => db ;

and I include the webserver class in my node 我在节点中包含了webserver类

node node1 {
  include webserver

.. the mysql class gets included as well! .. mysql类也包括在内! That is not what I want. 那不是我想要的。

How can I define order on optional classes? 如何定义可选类的顺序?

Edit: here is the solution: 编辑:这是解决方案:

class one {

class two {

stage { 'pre': }

Stage['pre'] -> Stage['main']

class {
    one: stage=>pre;
    # two: stage=>main; #### BROKEN - will introduce dependency even if two is not included!

# Solution - put the class in the stage only if it is defined
if defined(Class['two']) {
    class {
            two: stage=>main;

node default {
    include one

Result: 结果:

notice: one
notice: /Stage[pre]/One/Notify[one]/message: defined 'message' as 'one'
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.04 seconds


If Class[mysql] is optional, then you can try checking if it exists with the defined() function: 如果Class [mysql]是可选的,则可以尝试使用define()函数检查它是否存在:

 if defined(Class['mysq'l]) {
   Class['mysql'] -> Class['webserver']

Here's some sample code I used to test this out: 这是我用来测试的一些示例代码:

class optional {
    notify{'Applied optional':}

class afterwards {
    notify{'Applied afterwards':}

class another_optional {
    notify{'Applied test2':}

class testbed {

    if defined(Class['optional']) {
            notify{'You should see both notifications':}
            Class['optional'] -> Class['afterwards']

    if defined(Class['another_optional']) {
            notify{'You should not see this':}
            Class['another_optional'] -> Class['afterwards']

node default {
     include optional
     include afterwards
     include testbed

After executing with a 'puppet apply test.pp', it generates this output: 用“ puppet apply test.pp”执行后,它生成以下输出:

notice: You should see both notifications
notice: /Stage[main]/Testbed/Notify[You should see both notifications]/message: defined 'message' as 'You should see both notifications'
notice: Applied optional
notice: /Stage[main]/Optional/Notify[Applied optional]/message: defined 'message' as 'Applied optional'
notice: Applied afterwards
notice: /Stage[main]/Afterwards/Notify[Applied afterwards]/message: defined 'message' as 'Applied afterwards'
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.06 seconds

I tested with puppet 2.7.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 我在Ubuntu 11.10上使用puppet 2.7.1进行了测试

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