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将Java代码转换为C ++

[英]Converting java code to c++

How do I convert the below piece of java code to C++. 如何将下面的Java代码转换为C ++。 I know I can write typedef unsigned char byte so that is taken care of, but I don't understand what the |= and <<= are meant for. 我知道我可以写typedef unsigned char byte这样就可以了,但是我不明白|=<<=是什么意思。 And how does one replace final 以及如何替代final

public static final long unsignedIntToLong(byte[] b) {
          long l = 0;
          l |= b[0] & 0xFF;
          l <<= 8;
          (l >>> 4) & 0x0F;

How do I test all this in C++ - are there some unit tests I can run as I go about the conversion. 如何在C ++中测试所有这些-在进行转换时是否可以运行一些单元测试。

First thing, |= is a compound bitwise OR assignment. 首先, |=是复合的按位或分配。 a |= b is equivalent to a = a | b a |= b等效于a = a | b a = a | b , where each resulting bit will be set if either that bit in a or b is set (or both). a = a | b ,如果设置了ab中的a位(或同时设置了这两个位),则将设置每个结果位。

Here's a truth table that is applied to each bit: 这是应用于每个位的真值表:

a | b | result
0 | 0 | 0
0 | 1 | 1
1 | 0 | 1
1 | 1 | 1

Secondly, <<= is the same, but instead of a bitwise or, it's a bit shift to the left. 其次, <<=是相同的,但是不是按位或,而是向左移一点。 ALl existing bits are moved left by that amount, and the right is padded with 0s. AL1现有位向左移动该数量,向右填充0。

101 << 1 == 1010
110 << 2 == 11000

final is the same as C++'s const by the variable definition. final通过变量定义与C ++的const相同。 If, however, you want to prevent a function from being overriden, you may tag final onto the end of the function header if the function is also a virtual function (which it would need to be in order to be overriden in the first place). 但是,如果您想防止某个函数被覆盖,则如果该函数也是一个虚拟函数,则可以将final标签标记在函数头的末尾(首先需要重写该函数) 。 This only applies to C++11, though. 不过,这仅适用于C ++ 11。 Here's an example of what I mean. 这是我的意思的例子

Finally, >>> is called the unsigned right shift operator in Java. 最后, >>>在Java中称为unsigned right shift运算符。 Normally, >> will shift the bits, but leave the leftmost bit intact as to preserve the sign of the number. 通常, >>将移位这些位,但保留最左边的位不变以保留数字的符号。 Sometimes that might not be what you want. 有时这可能不是您想要的。 >>> will put a 0 there all the time, instead of assuming that the sign is important. >>>始终将0放置在那里,而不是假定符号很重要。

In C++, however, signed is an actuality that is part of the variable's type. 但是,在C ++中, signed是一种现实,它是变量类型的一部分。 If a variable is signed, >> will shift right as Java does, but if the variable is unsigned, it will act like the unsigned right shift ( >>> ) operator in Java. 如果一个变量是有符号的, >>将会像Java一样右移,但是如果该变量是无符号的,它将像Java中的无符号的右移( >>> )运算符一样起作用。 Hence, C++ has only the need for >> , as it can deduce which to do. 因此,C ++只需要>> ,因为它可以推断出该做什么。

|= is the same in both languages: bit-wise OR applied to the lhs variable, just like +=. | =在两种语言中都相同:按位或应用于lhs变量,就像+ =一样。 Same with <<=; 与<< =相同; it's the shift bits left operator. 是左移运算符。

Unsigned long could be tricky; 无符号长可能很棘手。 no such thing in Java. Java中没有这样的东西。

There's CppUnit. 有CppUnit。 Try using that. 尝试使用它。

There is no straight answer on how to write a final class in C++. 关于如何用C ++编写最终类没有直接的答案。 Google will show you a lot of examples though. Google会向您展示很多示例。 For example a private constuctor or a frend class. 例如,私有构造函数或朋友类。

| | is the OR operator. 是OR运算符。 So for example 0x10 | 例如0x10 | 0x10 = 0x11. 0x10 = 0x11。

<< is the bitshift operator. <<是位移位运算符。 So for example 0b1 << 0b1 = 0b10, 10 << 2 = 0b1000 and so on. 因此,例如0b1 << 0b1 = 0b10,10 << 2 = 0b1000,依此类推。 Shifting by 1 multiplies your value by 2. 移位1乘以2。

For example: 例如:

class Converter{
    static Converter * createInstance()
        return new Converter;

    long unsignedIntToLong(unsigned char *b){
        long l = 0;
        l |= b[0] & 0xFF;
        l <<= 8;
        return l;


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