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[英]long variable is not accepting a value

I am trying to assign a value to a long variable but eclipse shows compile error. 我正在尝试为长变量赋值,但是eclipse显示编译错误。 Can anyone work it out what is wrong with this? 谁能弄清楚这是怎么回事? I have check and am assured that the value is in long's range. 我已检查并确信该值在long范围内。

public static void main(String[] args) {
        **long num = 600851475143;**

        for(long i = num/2; i<1; i--) {
            if(num%i == 0 && isPrime(i) == true) {


add L and make it L并使其

long num = 600851475143L;

Also See 另请参阅

You have to append L to the literal to tell the compiler it's a long . 您必须在文字后面加上L来告诉编译器它很long Integer literals in Java are int by default; Java中的整数文字默认情况下为int since the number you entered doesn't fit in an int , the compiler complains. 由于您输入的数字不适合int ,因此编译器会抱怨。

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