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[英]Razor View Race Condition

In a custom razor engine, derived from RazorViewEngine, I've spotted what I think is unstable code: 在源自RazorViewEngine的自定义剃刀引擎中,我发现了我认为不稳定的代码:

    public override ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewName, string masterName, bool useCache)
        ViewLocationFormats = AddViewDynamicFormat(controllerContext, viewName).ToArray();
        AreaViewLocationFormats = AddAreaViewDynamicFormat(controllerContext, viewName).ToArray();
        return base.FindView(controllerContext, viewName, masterName, useCache);

My concern is that when two requests are being processed "at the same time," the first will set the location formats as it needs, but before it can use them - the second threaded request might have a chance to set the location formats a different way. 我担心的是,当“同时”处理两个请求时,第一个将根据需要设置位置格式,但在它可以使用之前 - 第二个线程请求可能有机会将位置格式设置为不同方式。 The rest gets ugly. 其余的变得丑陋。

Is this a valid concern? 这是一个有效的问题吗? Said differently, does ASP.NET MVC guarantee that the Razor View engine will handle exactly one request at a time? 换句话说,ASP.NET MVC是否保证Razor View引擎一次只能处理一个请求? I doubt that is the case. 我怀疑是这样的。

Likewise, if there was one razor view engine object per request, then this would be ok. 同样,如果每个请求都有一个剃刀视图引擎对象 ,那么这样就可以了。 But I also don't believe that is the case. 但我也不相信是这样的。

UPDATE I have confirmed that this is a race condition. 更新我已经确认这是竞争条件。 I have also found an article showing a dynamic expansive razor search example , which solves the problem without a race condition (though I still wonder if it has a caching issue). 我还发现了一篇文章,展示了一个动态的扩展剃刀搜索示例 ,它解决了没有竞争条件的问题(尽管我仍然怀疑它是否有缓存问题)。

Are ViewLocationFormats and AreaViewLocationFormats virtual? ViewLocationFormatsAreaViewLocationFormats虚拟的吗? If so, you can put that value in the HttpContext.Current.Items collection and retrieve it from the overridden properties. 如果是这样,您可以将该值放在HttpContext.Current.Items集合中,并从重写的属性中检索它。

I'm nearly positive that the RazorViewEngine isn't meant to be modified at run-time, but merely configured in Global.asax Application_Start. 我几乎肯定RazorViewEngine不是要在运行时修改,而只是在Global.asax Application_Start中配置。 I believe the RazorViewEngine instance exists for the life of the App Domain after startup. 我相信RazorViewEngine实例在启动后存在于App Domain的生命周期中。

If you need to add additional ViewLocationFormats or AreaViewLocationFormats do it in Application_Start. 如果需要添加其他ViewLocationFormats或AreaViewLocationFormats,请在Application_Start中执行。 Application_Start is guaranteed to run only once per App Domain. 保证Application_Start每个App Domain只运行一次。

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