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PHP ftp_rawlist-目录前的选项

[英]PHP ftp_rawlist - options before directory

I'm looking for list of options, which can be used in PHP module FTP in methods ftp_nlist and ftp_rawlist before directory. 我正在寻找选项列表,可在目录之前的方法ftp_nlist和ftp_rawlist中使用PHP模块FTP。 There are some examples i found: 我发现了一些例子:

 // include hidden files
 ftp_rawlist($h, '-a /');

 // more complex - only names of files
 ftp_rawlist($h, '-1l /');

Maybe it is FTP server specific, but both work on Windows and Linux. 也许它是特定于FTP服务器的,但是都可以在Windows和Linux上使用。 I there any specification with full list. 我有任何规格的完整清单。

Options are specific to LIST command of FTP server. 选项特定于FTP服务器的LIST命令。

ListOptions available on Linux ProFTPd server. Linux ProFTPd服务器上可用的ListOptions。 http://www.proftpd.org/docs/howto/ListOptions.html http://www.proftpd.org/docs/howto/ListOptions.html

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