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[英]Find the second highest variable in array

I would like to find the second highest variable in an array. 我想找到数组中第二高的变量。

For example if I have: 例如,如果我有:

$cookies = array(
                "chocolate" => "20",
                "vanilla" => "14",
                "strawberry" => "18",
                "raspberry" => "19",
                "bluebery" => "29"

I can use max($cookies) to find the highest variable, which is "bluebery" => "29" . 我可以使用max($cookies)来查找最高变量,即"bluebery" => "29"

But how do I find the second highest? 但我如何找到第二高? "chocolate" => "20"

Sort it and get the second item is the easiest way: 对它进行排序并获得第二项是最简单的方法:

$keys = array_keys($cookies);

echo $keys[1]; // chocolate
echo $cookies[$keys[1]]; // 20

If you want a more efficient way, you can also do it manually, by keeping track of both the highest and second-highest items at the same time: 如果您想要一种更有效的方式,您也可以通过同时跟踪最高和第二高的项目来手动完成:

function secondMax($arr) {
    $max = $second = 0;
    $maxKey = $secondKey = null;

    foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
        if($value > $max) {
            $second = $max;
            $secondKey = $maxKey;
            $max = $value;
            $maxKey = $key;
        } elseif($value > $second) {
            $second = $value;
            $secondKey = $key;

    return array($secondKey, $second);

Usage: 用法:

$second = secondMax($cookies);
echo "{$second[0]} => {$second[1]}"; // chocolate => 20

For fun you could use max() twice :) 为了好玩,你可以使用max()两次:)

For example: 例如:

  • Duplicate the array 复制数组
  • Run max() 运行max()
  • Remove the max 删除最大值
  • Run max() again 再次运行max()

The alternative would to sort the array based on values and get the second element of the array. 另一种方法是根据值对数组进行排序,并获取数组的第二个元素。 I'd be curious which is faster . 我很好奇哪个更快 Likely the sort. 可能是那种。

arsort($cookies) AND array_shift($cookies) AND list($k, $v) = each($cookies);
echo "$k => $v"; // chocolate => 20

Try : 试试:

list($key,$value) = each($cookies);

or reverse it 或者反转它

list($key,$value) = each($cookies);

** Edit ** ** 编辑 **

I thought I'd share this anyway, if someone would stumble across this and need it : 无论如何,我想我会分享这个,如果有人偶然发现并需要它:

 * Returns the key => value pair with the specific rank.
 * if $rank is 0, falase is returned. If $rank is positive,
 * then the $rank th smallest pair is returned. If $rank
 * is negative, then the $rank th biggest pair is returned.
 * If $rank range is outside the size of the array, false
 * is returned. If a callable function is provided, it will
 * be used to sort the data. If $keySort is true, then the
 * data will be sorted by keys instead (the callback functions
 * will receive the keys to compare instead of values)
 * @param $data array
 * @param $rank int
 * @param $cmd_function callable (optional)
 * @param $keySort boolean (optional)
 * @return array            the key => value pair or false
function findByRank($data, $rank, $cmd_function = null, $keySort = false) {
    if (($rank == 0) || (abs($rank) > count($data))) {
        return false;
    $sort = ($keySort?'k':'a').'sort';
    if ($cmd_function != null) {
        $sort = 'u'.$sort;
        $sort($data, $cmd_function);
    } else {

    if ($rank > 0) {
        $next = 'next';
    } else {
        $next = 'prev';
        $rank = abs($rank);
    while (--$rank > 0) $next($data);
    return each($data);

$cookies = array(
                "chocolate" => "20",
                "vanilla" => "14",
                "strawberry" => "18",
                "raspberry" => "19",
                "bluebery" => "29"

header('Content-type:text/plain; charset=utf-8');
var_dump(findByRank($cookies, -10));  // -> false
var_dump(findByRank($cookies, -2));   // -> 'chocolate' key=>value pair
var_dump(findByRank($cookies, -1));   // -> 'blueberry' key=>value pair
var_dump(findByRank($cookies, 0));    // -> false
var_dump(findByRank($cookies, 1));    // -> 'vanilla' key=>value pair
var_dump(findByRank($cookies, 3));    // -> 'raspberry' key=>value pair
echo $cookies[1];

Sort the array descending and take the second value. 对数组进行降序排序并获取第二个值。 Or, to be save, take the first value and go through the array until you find a smaller one. 或者,要保存,请取第一个值并遍历数组,直到找到较小的数组。

Check this URL 检查此URL

http://maheshbokkisam.blogspot.in/2013/04/find-nth-highest-value-in-array-without.html http://maheshbokkisam.blogspot.in/2013/04/find-nth-highest-value-in-array-without.html

Find Nth/ N th highest value from given array without using any sorting in PHP 从给定数组中找出第N / N个最高值,而不使用PHP中的任何排序

 $ar = array(23,56,87,12,98,85,24,54,99,100,1,4,5,2,76,37,92); $n = count($ar) - 5; for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){ // Get the max value from array // get the Nth value from last loop echo $a = max($ar); echo "<br /><pre>"; print_r($ar); $ar = array_flip($ar); // Flip the array //print_r($ar); unset($ar[$a]); // Unset the max value from array //print_r($ar); $ar = array_flip($ar); // Flip the array echo "</pre>"; echo "<hr />"; } 

function second_largest($arr)
    sort($arr, SORT_NUMERIC);

    return($arr[count($arr) - 2]);

//echo 3

echo second_largest(array(0, 3, 4, 1, 2));

 // Finding Second highest number (In case of index of array is random)
$arr = [-5 => 33, -4 => -2, 8 => 0, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44];
$max = -INF;
$secondMax = -INF;
$size = sizeof($arr);
if ($size > 1) {
    foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
        echo "KEY-> ", $key, "VALUE->", $value, "\n";
        if ($value > $max) {
            $max = $value;
        } else {
            if ($value < $max && $value > $secondMax) {
                $secondMax = $value;
} else if ($size == 0) {
    $max = "No Max element";
    $secondMax = "No Second highest element";
} else {
    foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
        $max = $arr[$key];
        $secondMax = "No second highest element";

echo "maxvalue = ", $max, "\n";
echo "secondmax =", $secondMax;

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