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pyramid_beaker httponly和安全cookie

[英]pyramid_beaker httponly and secure cookie

After a security report, I've been asked to provide a secure session cookie. 在收到安全报告后,系统要求我提供安全的会话cookie。

I am using pyramid_beaker.session_factory_from_settings() and was lucky(?) to be able to set the httponly with ('session.httponly', True) , but ('session.secure', True) does not provide the second option. 我正在使用pyramid_beaker.session_factory_from_settings(),很幸运(?)能够使用('session.httponly', True)设置httponly,但('session.secure', True)不提供第二个选项。

Is it possible to do it? 有可能做到吗?

Pointers to the different session.* settings much appreciated also. 指向不同session.*指针session.*设置也非常感谢。

EDIT: I found a list in beaker.utils.coerce_session_params() 编辑:我在beaker.utils.coerce_session_params()找到一个列表

Thanks. 谢谢。

EDIT: I think i got the problem. 编辑:我认为我有问题。 I am using in development: 我在开发中使用:

        http_server = simple_server.make_server('', no_port, app)
, so the cookie is not sent because I am not in HTTPS. ,因此Cookie不会发送,因为我不在HTTPS中。 I need to set up an HTTPs server for this. 我需要为此设置一个HTTPs服务器。

Sorry, is there a question here? 抱歉,这有问题吗? It sounds like you answered the original one and are now looking at making your development setup work under https? 听起来您已经回答了最初的一个,现在正在考虑使您的开发设置在https下工作? Personally I tend to worry about that only on my staging server (where nginx handles the certificates), but in my development.ini locally I do not make cookies secure. 我个人倾向于担心仅在我的登台服务器(nginx处理证书)上,但是在我的development.ini中,我不会使cookie安全。

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