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淡化未聚焦的GNU Emacs框架(X窗口)

[英]Fade unfocused GNU Emacs frame (X window)

Is it possible to make GNU Emacs 24 dim unfocused windows a bit? 是否可以使GNU Emacs 24稍微模糊不聚焦的窗口? For example, I can set my rxvt-unicode clients to become darker when their windows don't have focus with this string in ~/.Xdefaults : 例如,我可以将我的rxvt-unicode客户端设置为当窗口的焦点不在~/.Xdefaults时,它们的窗口变暗:

URxvt*fading: 50

It greatly reduces discomfort when you have a lot of terminal windows on 2+ monitors. 当2个以上的显示器上有很多终端窗口时,它将大大减少不适感。 I would like a similar feature in Emacs, but couldn't google up anything. 我想要Emacs中的类似功能,但是不能用Google搜索任何内容。

Here is how it looks like with urxvt (png, 1.43 MB) urxvt的外观如下(png,1.43 MB)

I do something similar: 我做类似的事情:

(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(100 60))
(aput 'default-frame-alist 'alpha '(100 60))

which sets the alpha value of the selected frame to 100, and an unselected frame to 60, making it somewhat transparent. 它将选定帧的alpha值设置为100,将未选定帧的alpha值设置为60,使其有些透明。 I haven't tested to confirm that works for other frame-parameters. 我还没有进行测试以确认是否适用于其他框架参数。

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