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编译器何时在C ++中创建复制构造函数?

[英]When does the compiler creates the copy-constructor in C++?

For example in the code below : 例如,在下面的代码中:

class HowMany {
    static int objectCount;
        HowMany() { 
        static void print(const string& msg = "") {
             if(msg.size() != 0) 
                 cout << msg << ": ";

             cout << "objectCount = " << objectCount << endl;
        ~HowMany() {

int HowMany::objectCount = 0;

// Pass and return BY VALUE:
HowMany f(HowMany x) {
    x.print("x argument inside f()");
    return x;

int main() {
    HowMany h;
    HowMany::print("after construction of h");
    HowMany h2 = f(h);
    HowMany::print("after call to f()");

Why does the compiler doesn't create the copy-constructor automatically for the class HowMany, and bit-wise copy takes place when the call to f(h) takes place ? 为什么编译器不会为HowMany类自动创建复制构造函数,并且在调用f(h)时会发生逐位复制?

In what cases the compiler creates the default copy-constructor and in what cases it doesn't create? 在什么情况下,编译器会创建默认的复制构造函数,在什么情况下它不会创建?

It gives output as: 它输出为:

after construction of h: objectCount = 1 在构造h之后:objectCount = 1

x argument inside f(): objectCount = 1 f()中的x参数:objectCount = 1

~HowMany(): objectCount = 0 ~HowMany():objectCount = 0

after call to f(): objectCount = 0 在调用f()之后:objectCount = 0

~HowMany(): objectCount = -1 ~HowMany():objectCount = -1

~HowMany(): objectCount = -2 ~HowMany():objectCount = -2

Many many thanks in advance 许多人提前感谢

In C++98 and C++03 the compiler always creates a copy constructor, that performs a memberwise copy of your fields, unless you specify explicitly that you wrote your own 1 . 在C ++ 98和C ++ 03中,编译器总是创建一个复制构造函数,它执行字段的成员复制,除非您明确指定自己编写了1

This is what happens in your code: the compiler-generated copy constructor doesn't do anything particular - in particular, it doesn't increment objectCount - so you end up with a negative object count (all the copied objects didn't increment the counter, but they did decrement it). 这就是你的代码中发生的事情:编译器生成的拷贝构造函数没有做任何特别的事情 - 特别是,它不会增加objectCount - 所以你最终得到一个负对象计数(所有复制的对象都没有增加反击,但他们确实减少了它)。

To obtain the result you expected, you would have to write something like: 要获得预期的结果,您必须编写如下内容:

HowMany(const HowMany &) { 

  1. the default copy constructor is not created even if you write the copy constructor prototype but don't implement it, and/or mark it as private - actually, that's how you create a noncopyable class. 即使您编写了复制构造函数原型但未实现它,并且/或将其标记为私有,也不会创建默认的复制构造函数 - 实际上,这就是创建不可复制类的方法。 C++11 also supports a special syntax to tell the compiler not to generate any copy constructor. C ++ 11还支持一种特殊语法,告诉编译器不要生成任何复制构造函数。

for every object compiler should create copy constructor, here also copy constructor created for all object h, x and h2. 对于每个对象编译器应该创建复制构造函数,这里还复制为所有对象h,x和h2创建的构造函数。 But for h object copy constructor is no need. 但是对于h对象复制构造函数是没有必要的。 And next you are calling a function f with input argument as h. 接下来,您将调用带有输入参数的函数f作为h。 Here copy constructor invokes and it copies the content in h to x object. 这里复制构造函数调用并将h中的内容复制到x对象。 And for the next object h2 also same thing (here also copy constructor invokes and copies x to h2). 而对于下一个对象h2也是一样的(这里也是复制构造函数调用并将x复制到h2)。 Becuase of this reason only objectcount not incremented. 由于这个原因,只有objectcount没有递增。 thank you. 谢谢。

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