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[英]How to hide a particular text in a textbox for wp7

In my web browser app for wp7, i have a textbox for the URL's(named as UrlTextBox), in that i don't need the http:// to be visible even when the page is navigating or navigated. 在适用于wp7的Web浏览器应用程序中,我有一个URL文本框(名为UrlTextBox),因为即使在页面导航或导航时,我也不需要http://即可看到。 I don't know how to hide a particular text in a textbox. 我不知道如何在文本框中隐藏特定的文本。 If i try to omit the http:// permanently then there will an error in my app. 如果我尝试永久省略http://,则我的应用程序中将出现错误。 Can anybody help me with this? 有人可以帮我吗? Thanks in advance for your help! 在此先感谢您的帮助!

I'd guess you're probably doing something like: 我猜你可能正在做类似的事情:


Instead you could just do: 相反,您可以执行以下操作:

webBrowser.Navigate("http://" + urlTextBox.Text);

Obviously with appropriate checks, etc. 显然要进行适当的检查,等等。

OR 要么

if (urlTextBox.Text.StartsWith("http://")
    urlTextBox.Text = urlTextBox.Text.SubString(7);

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