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从JBoss AS 7的Classpath加载URL资源

[英]load URL Resources from the Classpath on JBoss AS 7

URL to load resources from the classpath in Java describes how to use a URLStreamHandler for enabling url-paths like new URL("classpath:org/my/package/resource.extension") 从Java的类路径加载资源的URL描述了如何使用URLStreamHandler来启用new URL("classpath:org/my/package/resource.extension")路径new URL("classpath:org/my/package/resource.extension")

I would like to use the same Approach on JBoss AS 7, but calling java.net.URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(URL.java:1102) results in java.lang.Error: factory already defined 我想在JBoss AS 7上使用相同的方法,但是调用java.net.URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(URL.java:1102)导致java.lang.Error: factory already defined

So AS 7 has its URLStreamHandlerFactory allready set and this can be done only once. 因此,AS 7的URLStreamHandlerFactory已全部设置好,并且只能执行一次。

Are there alternative ways to register a URLStreamHandler for the prefix classpath: on jboss or may I even get around with the vfs ? 是否有其他方法可以在jboss上为前缀classpath:注册URLStreamHandler ,或者我甚至可以避开vfs

Very old thread, but I got some useful answer. 线程很旧,但是我得到了一些有用的答案。 As related by "David Lloyd" in JBoss issues: 正如JBoss问题中的“ David Lloyd”所描述的:

In AS7, this is just a question of calling org.jboss.modules.Module#registerURLStreamHandlerFactoryModule() with the name of the module containing the handler factory for your protocol, and ensuring that that module has a META-INF/services/java.net.URLStreamHandler file in it. 在AS7中,这只是一个调用org.jboss.modules.Module#registerURLStreamHandlerFactoryModule()的问题,该模块的名称包含协议的处理程序工厂,并确保该模块具有META-INF / services / java。 net.URLStreamHandler文件在其中。 Alternatively, you can specify the module name in the jboss.protocol.handler.modules system property, which works similarly to java.protocol.handler.pkgs except rather than accepting a list of package names from the application class path, it accepts a list of module names from the boot module loader. 另外,您可以在jboss.protocol.handler.modules系统属性中指定模块名称,该属性与java.protocol.handler.pkgs相似,除了从应用程序类路径接受包名称列表之外,它接受一个列表引导模块加载器中的模块名称。

Full details are here: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-1562 完整细节在这里: https : //issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-1562

Well, in my case, I just change my implementation to use Spring's PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver: 好吧,就我而言,我只是将实现更改为使用Spring的PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver:

ResourcePatternResolver patternResolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
  try {
    Resource [] mappingLocations = patternResolver.getResources("classpath*:" + myBaseXmlPath + "/**/*.xml");
    for(int i = 0; i < mappingLocations.length; i++) {
      // do whatever you want ...
  catch(IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

It already deals with 'vfs' by proxing the classloader. 它已经通过继承类加载器来处理“ vfs”。

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