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[英]Drawing a UIImage into CALayer.contents does not render image data

I am having a wicked time trying to get an image to show up in a CALayer.contents . 我有一个邪恶的时间试图让图像显示在CALayer.contents It seems rather straight forward but I cannot get the image to render no matter what I do. 它似乎相当直接,但无论我做什么,我都无法渲染图像。 The CALayer renders fine as I can see its background color and corner radius, but the image will not load. CALayer渲染得很好,因为我可以看到它的背景颜色和角半径,但图像不会加载。


What you are seeing here is a CAGradientLayer subclass with a mask applied. 你在这里看到的是一个应用了蒙版的CAGradientLayer子类。 The inner square is where I would like the image to show, and it is added as a sublayer of the CAGradientLayer subclass. 内部正方形是我希望图像显示的位置,并且它被添加为CAGradientLayer子类的子图层。

The code to set this up is pretty straightforward. 设置它的代码非常简单。 In init : init

self.imageLayer = [CALayer layer];
self.imageLayer.cornerRadius = kDefaultCornerRadius;
self.imageLayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor].CGColor;
[self addSublayer:self.imageLayer];

Then later on, I set the image: 然后,我设置图像:

- (void)setImage:(UIImage *)image {
    self.imageLayer.contents = (id)image.CGImage;
    [self.imageLayer setNeedsDisplay];

Finally, within setFrame : 最后,在setFrame

CGFloat imageSize = self.bounds.size.width - 2*kDefaultMargin;
[self.imageLayer setBounds:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, imageSize, imageSize)];
[self.imageLayer setPosition:CGPointMake(self.bounds.size.width/2.0f, kDefaultMargin + imageSize/2.0f)];
[self.imageLayer setNeedsDisplay];

Things I already know or have checked: 我已经知道或检查过的事情:

  1. The layer is obviously added correctly evident by it being visible. 显然,通过它可见,正确地添加了该层。
  2. The image is added and works. 图像被添加并起作用。 [UIImage imageNamed:@"info.png"] is being used elsewhere in the code and actually shows and image. [UIImage imageNamed:@"info.png"]正在代码中的其他地方使用,实际上是显示和图像。 It is 16x16 at 1x and 32x32 at 2x 1x时为16x16,2x时为32x32
  3. The code is being called in the correct logical order: init , setImage: , setFrame ; 代码以正确的逻辑顺序调用: initsetImage:setFrame ;

What is going on here? 这里发生了什么?

Remove this line: 删除此行:

[self.imageLayer setNeedsDisplay];

-setNeedsDisplay tells a layer that it needs to redraw its contents. -setNeedsDisplay告诉图层它需要重绘其内容。 Since you already provided the content for the layer, you don't want CA to discard that content and ask for a replacement. 由于您已经为图层提供了内容,因此您不希望CA放弃该内容并要求替换。

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