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[英]Codeigniter specific URL rewriting

In one of my CI application I got a controller called movies in which I am showing details of a movie, its URL looks like 在我的一个CI应用程序中,我有一个名为Movies的控制器,其中正在显示电影的详细信息,其URL看起来像


here 12 is the movie id which is used for fetching values from db and movie name, which is using for SEO URL. 这里的12是电影ID,用于从db和电影名称中获取值,用于SEO URL。

I would likes to rewrite this URL to 我想将此网址重写为


I already removed index.php from my application using http://codeigniter.com/wiki/mod_rewrite 我已经使用http://codeigniter.com/wiki/mod_rewrite从应用程序中删除了index.php

Please help Thanks in advance 请事先帮助

Maybe try 也许尝试

RewriteRule    ^/([0-9]+)\-([^/]+?)/?$  /movies/index/$1/$2

Although it may cause problems with other parts of your Codeigniter application. 尽管这可能会导致Codeigniter应用程序的其他部分出现问题。

or you can add this to Codeigniter router 或者您可以将其添加到Codeigniter路由器

$router['/(:any)'] = 'movies/index/12/$1';

but your movies id need to set as string with title. 但您的电影ID需要设置为带标题的字符串。

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