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php cURL iis 6.0 windows server 2003

[英]php cURL iis 6.0 windows server 2003

I am having an issue setting up cURL with IIS 6.0, Windows Server 2003, PHP 5.2.6 我在使用IIS 6.0,Windows Server 2003,PHP 5.2.6设置cURL时遇到问题

I have installed to C:\\PHP 我已安装到C:\\PHP

set PHPRC = C:\PHP\php.ini

copied ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll to C:\\PHP ssleay32.dlllibeay32.dll复制到C:\\PHP

in php.ini, uncommented the line 在php.ini中,取消注释该行



c:\\php\\ext has the dll php_curl.dll c:\\php\\ext有dll php_curl.dll


still getting 还在

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() 致命错误:调用未定义的函数curl_init()

Make sure php_curl.dll is in the directory listed under "extension_dir" in php.ini. 确保php_curl.dll位于php.ini中“extension_dir”下列出的目录中。 If it is already, try restarting IIS (Apache always needs a restart from me when making php.ini changes). 如果已经,请尝试重新启动IIS(在进行php.ini更改时,Apache总是需要重新启动)。

EDIT 1: 编辑1:

Try opening up a command prompt to c:\\php and running: 尝试打开命令提示符到c:\\ php并运行:

php -c . -i | find /i "curl"

Does it come back with any output? 它有任何输出吗? If so, IIS is using the wrong php.ini file. 如果是这样,IIS使用错误的php.ini文件。

EDIT 2: 编辑2:

Is c:\\php in your PATH? 你的PATH中有c:\\ php吗? You can check with "echo %PATH%" from the command prompt. 您可以从命令提示符处查看“echo%PATH%”。

Maybe it's loading c:\\windows\\php.ini? 也许它正在加载c:\\ windows \\ php.ini? I take it you've restarted IIS since you changed the config... :) 我认为你已经重新启动了IIS,因为你改变了配置...... :)

i ended up doin a reinstall of php, then unistalling php. 我最终重新安装了php,然后unistalling php。 then i copied and extracted the thread safe php package into c:\\php rather than using the non thread safe package 然后我复制并提取线程安全的PHP包到c:\\ php而不是使用非线程安全包

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