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[英]ExtJS: What's the point of requires?

I've been trying to figure out what requires does in Ext JS 4, and I can't seem to come up with a reasonable answer. 我一直试图找出Ext JS 4中的要求,我似乎无法得出一个合理的答案。 Let's say I have the following code: 假设我有以下代码:

app.js app.js

  enabled: true

Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', 'examples/ux');

  name: 'Test',
  appFolder: 'app',
  controllers: ['TheController'],
  requires: ['Test.Utils', 'Test.Utils2'],  // I don't think this does anything... couldn't find this option for Ext.application
  launch: function() {
    Ext.create('Ext.Viewport', {
      layout: 'border',
      items: [{
        xtype: 'thegrid',
        region: 'center',
        title: 'blah!'

app/controller/TheController.js 应用程序/控制器/ TheController.js

Ext.define('Test.controller.TheController', {
  extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
  models: ['TheModel'],
  stores: ['TheStore'],
  views: ['TheGrid'],
  init: function() {

app/view/TheGrid.js 应用程序/视图/ TheGrid.js

Ext.define('Test.view.TheGrid', {
  extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
  alias: 'widget.thegrid',
  requires: ['Test.store.TheStore'],
  store: 'TheStore',
  columns: [
    {header: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name'},
    {header: 'Phone', dataIndex: 'phone'},
    {header: 'Hello', dataIndex: 'hello'}

app/store/TheStore.js 应用/存储/ TheStore.js

Ext.define('Test.store.TheStore', {
  extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
  requires: ['Test.model.TheModel', 'Test.Utils'],
  model: 'Test.model.TheModel',
  data: [
    {name: 'keanu reeves', phone: '1800matrices', hello: Test.Utils.getText()},
    {name: 'james earl jones', phone: '1800starwar', hello: 'nothing here'},
    {name: 'barack obama', phone: '1800prsidnt', hello: 'hello world'}

app/model/TheModel.js 应用程序/模型/ TheModel.js

Ext.define('Test.model.TheModel', {
  extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
  fields: [
    {name: 'name', type: 'string'},
    {name: 'phone', type: 'string'},
    {name: 'hello', type: 'string'}

app/Utils.js 应用程序/ Utils.js

Ext.define('Test.Utils', {
  singleton: true,
  requires: ['Test.Utils2'],
  getText: function() {
    return Test.Utils2.hello + 'world';

app/Utils2.js 应用程序/ Utils2.js

Ext.define('Test.Utils2', {
  singleton: true,
  hello: 'hello'

I realize this is a really long example, but I needed to make sure I fully portrayed what I was doing. 我意识到这是一个很长的例子,但我需要确保我完全描绘了我在做什么。 Utils relies on Utils2 because it needs to call Utils2's hello variable. Utils依赖于Utils2,因为它需要调用Utils2的hello变量。 The rest of the code is setting up a grid and calling the Utils.getText function in TheStore. 其余的代码是设置一个网格并调用TheStore中的Utils.getText函数。 Firebug throws a Test.Utils is undefined on line 6 in TheStore.js, and at that point in time, Test.Utils obviously doesn't exist, but Test.Utils2 does. Firebug抛出一个Test.Utils is undefined在TheStore.js的第6行Test.Utils is undefined ,在那个时间点,Test.Utils显然不存在,但Test.Utils2确实存在。

My question is... why does Utils2 exist, but Utils doesn't? 我的问题是......为什么Utils2存在,但Utils不存在? I thought requires brought in the classes that I needed, thus allowing me to use them, but I guess I'm wrong. 我认为需要带入我需要的课程,因此允许我使用它们,但我想我错了。 I've read the Sencha docs and a multitude of threads, but nothing really made sense, and it doesn't really explain this example. 我已经阅读了Sencha文档和众多主题,但没有什么真正有意义的,并没有真正解释这个例子。 Can anyone shed some insight here? 有人能在这里找到一些见解吗? I'd appreciate it. 我很感激。

**Also, I realize I'm doing some dumb things here, but it's merely for an example, so I'm not looking to combine the global Utils or not use globals at all... I'm just trying to figure out the requires option. **此外,我意识到我在这里做了一些愚蠢的事情,但这仅仅是一个例子,所以我不打算将全局的Utils结合起来或者根本不使用全局变量...我只想弄清楚要求选项。


Thanks to Izhaki's answer below, I figured something out. 感谢Izhaki在下面的回答,我想出了一些东西。 If I want to use a required class in a class I'm defining, I would have to wait for the object to get created (IE, use initComponent), so my store and grid code changes to: 如果我想在我定义的类中使用必需的类,我将不得不等待创建对象(IE,使用initComponent),因此我的存储和网格代码更改为:

app/store/TheStore.js 应用/存储/ TheStore.js

Ext.define('Test.store.TheStore', {
  extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
  requires: ['Test.model.TheModel'],
  model: 'Test.model.TheModel'

app/view/TheGrid.js 应用程序/视图/ TheGrid.js

Ext.define('Test.view.TheGrid', {
  extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
  alias: 'widget.thegrid',
  requires: ['Test.store.TheStore'],
  store: 'TheStore',
  columns: [
    {header: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name'},
    {header: 'Phone', dataIndex: 'phone'},
    {header: 'Hello', dataIndex: 'hello'}
  // This is the change that works
  initComponent: function() {
      {name: 'keanu reeves', phone: '1800matrices', hello: Test.Utils.getText()},
      {name: 'james earl jones', phone: '1800starwar', hello: 'nothing here'},
      {name: 'barack obama', phone: '1800prsidnt', hello: 'hello world'}

This works, but my last question is... do I have to have the requires for TheModel in TheStore, and/or TheStore in TheGrid? 这是有效的,但我的最后一个问题是......我是否必须在TheStore中对TheModel和/或TheGore中的TheStore有所需要? It seems like TheController is taking care of all of those requires because I can use Test.Utils in TheGrid, but TheGrid doesn't specifically state that it requires Test.Utils. 看起来TheController正在处理所有这些需求,因为我可以在TheGrid中使用Test.Utils,但是TheGrid并没有具体声明它需要Test.Utils。

Also, this example from the Sencha docs makes me more confused because I'm clearly not using Test.Utils until TheStore is created, but this example seems like it can use the Child class without having to wait for it to initialize (using initComponent). 此外,来自Sencha文档的这个例子让我更加困惑,因为在创建TheStore之前我显然没有使用Test.Utils,但是这个例子似乎可以使用Child类而不必等待它初始化(使用initComponent) 。

This is actually not a dumb question at all. 这根本不是一个愚蠢的问题。

You can look at requires as a way to tell ExtJS: 您可以将需求视为告诉ExtJS的一种方式:

"When you construct an object of this class, please make sure to dynamically load the required scripts first". “当你构造这个类的对象时,请确保首先动态加载所需的脚本”。

You are right about this line: 你对这一行是正确的:

requires: ['Test.Utils', 'Test.Utils2'],

not being needed in app.js , reason being is that the application already has: app.js中不需要,原因是应用程序已经具有:

controllers: ['TheController'],

which is the same as saying you require the js script in which TheController resides (any model/view/controller/store definition also mean that the related scripts are required, ie will be dynamically loaded). 这与说你需要TheController所在的js脚本相同(任何模型/视图/控制器/存储定义也意味着需要相关的脚本,即将动态加载)。

TheController has: TheController有:

requires: ['Test.model.TheModel', 'Test.Utils'],

which will load these dynamically - this is why the same requires is not needed it app.js ; 这将动态加载这些 - 这就是为什么不需要app.js同样的requires ;

The reason you get Firebug throwing Test.Utils is undefined is that you give a config ( hello ) with a reference to an object that is not yet dynamically loaded - there's no Test.Utils in the scope until TheStore is constructed. 你得到Firebug抛出Test.Utils未定义的原因是你给一个配置( hello )引用了一个尚未动态加载的对象 - 在构造TheStore之前,范围内没有Test.Utils

  1. HasMany relationships simply don't work without it 没有它,HasMany关系根本不起作用

  2. It helps JSBuilder know which files to include. 它有助于JSBuilder知道要包含哪些文件。 For example, if your Viewport uses border layout, it will incorrectly not be included, and you have to use uses or requires to include it. 例如,如果您的视口使用边框布局,则会错误地不包含它,并且您必须使用用途或要求包含它。

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