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[英]Creating a new remote branch?

Quick sanity check - I wanted to create a new remote branch for myself. 快速健全性检查-我想为自己创建一个新的远程分支。 I want to do the following: 我要执行以下操作:

git clone git@github.com:orange/orange.git
git branch foo
git checkout foo
git push foo foo

I'd like to simply clone master, create a new branch named "foo" (using what was in master), then push it to a remote repo called "foo". 我想简单地克隆master,创建一个名为“ foo”的新分支(使用master中的内容),然后将其推送到一个名为“ foo”的远程仓库中。 Does the above do that? 以上是吗? The last line seems a little weird, in that I'm naming "foo" twice. 最后一行似乎有点怪异,因为我两次命名了“ foo”。

Thanks 谢谢

I think you are confused by the term "remote." 我认为您对“远程”一词感到困惑。 A remote is a repository that exists somewhere else. 远程是存在于其他地方的存储库。 A remote repository has branches; 远程存储库具有分支; these are called "remote branches." 这些称为“远程分支”。 If your goal is to push your local foo branch to the repository that you just cloned then: 如果您的目标是将本地foo分支推送到刚克隆的存储库,则:

git push origin foo

When you git clone , Git creates a remote called origin . 当您进行git clone ,Git会创建一个称为origin的远程目录。 So this is the remote you want to push to. 因此,这是您要推送的遥控器。 Your git push line assumes that there is a remote called foo . 您的git push行假定存在一个名为foo的远程对象。 If you have not explicitly created one, then it doesn't exist. 如果尚未显式创建一个,则该名称不存在。

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