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[英]sql query for specific date interval

id   name         mydate                   
1     co        2011-02-10 07:25:02  
2     Carl      2011-02-10 07:26:02
10000   Caroline  2011-02-18 22:44:08

I have a database like that, I wanna search through for a specified interval such as (1 hour). 我有一个这样的数据库,我想搜索指定的时间间隔,例如(1小时)。 For instance, I want to see the records between 07 AM and 08 AM among the all records for all days. 例如,我想查看全天所有记录中的07 AM到08 AM之间的记录。 And then, I will use each day's 7 AM and 8 AM for further process. 然后,我将使用每天的上午7点和上午8点进行进一步的处理。 How can I do that in C#? 如何在C#中做到这一点?

You can use the BETWEEN keyword. 您可以使用BETWEEN关键字。

SELECT * FROM A WHERE mydate between '1/1/56 07:00:00' and '12/31/57 08:00:00'

This is not C# specific. 这不是特定于C#的。 If your using LINQ it something like this: 如果您使用LINQ,则如下所示:

from mt in ctx.MyTable where mydate >= datestart and mydate <= stopdate select mt

In this case ctx is the context, startdate the lower date and stopdate the higher and. 在这种情况下,ctx是上下文,startdate的日期较低,而stopdate的日期较高。

If you want to read the result using ADO.NET: 如果要使用ADO.NET读取结果:

var cn = new SqlConnection("paste your code here");

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); 
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM A WHERE mydate between '1/1/56 07:00:00' and '12/31/57 08:00:00'";
cmd.Connection = cn;

    SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

    while (reader.Read())
        // up to you
SELECT [mydate] 
    FROM [table] 
    WHERE DATEPART(hh,[mydate]) >= 6 
        AND DATEPART(hh,[mydate]) <= 8 
    Order by DATEPART(hh,[mydate])
SELECT * FROM table 
WHERE DATEPART(hh, mydate) = @start
OR (DATEPART(hh, mydate) = @end AND DATEPART(mi, mydate) = 0)
ORDER BY mydate

DATEPART is a SQL function that gets the specified portion of the date given the date value. DATEPART是一个SQL函数,该函数获取给定日期值的日期的指定部分。 In the sql script above, @start and @end are the integer values of the starting hours, in the case of 7AM to 8AM, @start = 7 and @end = 8. 在上面的sql脚本中,@start和@end是开始时间的整数值,对于从7AM到8AM的情况,@ start = 7和@end = 8。

Essentially, you're getting all records from your table that has a date with the hour component equal to 7 or a date with the hour component equal to 8 and with the minute component equal to 0. This should get all records between 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM inclusive. 本质上,您将从表中获得所有记录,这些记录的日期中的小时部分等于7,或者日期中的小时部分等于8,分钟部分等于0。这应该获取7:00之间的所有记录。上午至8:00(含)。

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