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Sencha Touch 2列表/商店

[英]Sencha Touch 2 list/store

I have a problem with an list-component on the sencha touch 2 framework. 我在sencha touch 2框架上的列表组件有问题。 My problem is, that my list doesn't show the calculated distance between the current position and the places. 我的问题是,我的列表没有显示当前位置和地点之间的计算距离。
First I use an navigation view with a list (name + distance) when the user click the name more details about them appears (+ the back-button will generated automatic). 首先,当用户单击名称时,我将使用带有列表(名称+距离)的导航视图(出现更多关于它们的详细信息)(+后退按钮将自动生成)。 If the back-button is pressed the list shows the correct distance in the list. 如果按下返回按钮,列表将在列表中显示正确的距离。 But I really need the distance is shown at the first time. 但是我真的需要在第一次显示距离。 I tried a lot but nothing helps. 我尝试了很多,但没有任何帮助。 I use a model and a store: 我使用模型和商店:

    'Ext.define('Guide.store.ProjekteList', {
     extend: 'Ext.data.Store',

        model: "Guide.model.ProjekteList", 
        sorters: ['distance'],
        storeId: 'ProjekteList',
        proxy: {
           type: 'ajax',
           url : 'PHP/get_MainList.php',
           reader: {
              type: 'json', 
       listeners: {
           load : function(){
                       var newData = getDis(store.data);
            }//load func
        }// listener
});// klasse

var getDis = function(dataset) {
    var geo = Ext.create('Ext.util.Geolocation', {
    autoUpdate: false,
    listeners: {
        locationupdate: function(geo) {
           polat = geo.getLatitude(); 
           polng = geo.getLongitude();  
           var B1 = dataset.Lat / 180 * Math.PI; 
           var B2 = polat / 180 * Math.PI;
           var L1 = dataset.Lng / 180 * Math.PI;
           var L2 = polng / 180 * Math.PI;
           var zwi = Math.acos(Math.sin(B1)*Math.sin(B2)     + Math.cos(B1)*Math.cos(B2)*Math.cos(L2-L1));  
           var r = 6378.137; //km
           dataset.distance  =  r * zwi;
           dataset.distance = Math.round(dataset.distance*100)/100; 

        locationerror: function(geo, bTimeout, bPermissionDenied, bLocationUnavailable, message) {
                alert('Timeout occurred.');
            } else {
                alert('Error occurred.');
 return dataset;


and my model: 和我的模型:

'Ext.define('Guide.model.ProjekteList', {
     extend: 'Ext.data.Model',  

     config: {
         fields:  ['Projektname', 'Lat', 'Lng', 'distance', 'ID'],

here is my navigation view: 这是我的导航视图:

'Ext.define('Guide.view.ProjekteList', {
extend: 'Ext.navigation.View', 

xtype: 'projektelist',

config: {

        title: 'Orte',
        iconCls:'Projekte' , 
        id: 'listButton',


            xtype: 'list', 
            onItemDisclosure: true, 
        /*  plugins: [
                        xclass: 'Ext.plugin.ListPaging',
                        autoPaging: false,

                ], */   
            title: 'Sehenswerte Orte',  
                store: 'ProjekteList',
            itemId: 'liste',
            itemTpl: '<h2>{Projektname}</h2> Entfernung: {distance} km',    
            listeners: {
                           show: function(){  


                             } //show function
            }, //listeners 
       } // item
      ] //items 
}// config 

}); ' 

and my controller 和我的控制器

 Ext.define("Guide.controller.ProjekteList", {
extend: "Ext.app.Controller",

views: ['ProjektList'],

config: {

        refs: {  
            projekt: 'projektelist',

        control: {
            'projektelist list': {
                itemtap: 'showDetail'
    showDetail: function(list, index, element, record) {    
        var projektid = record.get('ID');  

         xtype: 'projektdetails', 

    }  //     showDetail function 


Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

I found the solution: 我找到了解决方案:

only change the listener in the navigation view from "show" to "painted" and it works fine. 只需将导航视图中的侦听器从“显示”更改为“绘制”,即可正常工作。

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