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Twitter Bootstrap工具提示(PHP)在Wordpress中不起作用

[英]Twitter Bootstrap Tooltip (PHP) not working in Wordpress

I am trying to use the Twitter Bootstrap Popover / Tooltip but I am getting the following error in the console: 我正在尝试使用Twitter Bootstrap Popover / Tooltip,但在控制台中出现以下错误:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'popover'

I have the following in my functions file to include the files, which can be seen in the source and direct to the correct scripts when clicked: 我的函数文件中包含以下文件,这些文件可以在源代码中看到,并在单击时直接定向到正确的脚本:


function dcr_enqueue_scripts(){



With the following element expecting the popover: 带有以下元素的弹出框:

<th><span>Description:</span><img class="popoverthis" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url')?>/images/info.png" data-content="This is the content" title="Title"></th>

And the jQuery included on the page to call the popover function is this: 页面上包含的用于调用popover函数的jQuery是这样的:

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        placement: "bottom"

Any ideas on resolving this issue would be appreciated. 解决此问题的任何想法将不胜感激。

Few things to check for: 几件事要检查:

  • order of pages loading - is your popover being execute before jquery or jquery.popover.js plugin is being called? 页面加载顺序-是否在调用jquery或jquery.popover.js插件之前执行弹出窗口?

If this is issue, you'll have to bump/lower priority of your enque script as in: 如果出现此问题,则必须提高/降低enque脚本的优先级,如下所示:

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts','dcr_enqueue_scripts', **5**); // default is 10

  • do you have correct version of jQuery (wordpress bundles one and it sometimes can be older than is required for external scripts)? 您是否具有正确的jQuery版本(wordpress捆绑了一个版本,有时它可能比外部脚本所要求的版本更旧)?

  • Open firebug/web inspector and manually run: 打开firebug / web检查器并手动运行:
    jQuery('.popoverthis').popover({ placement: "bottom" });

To see what goes wrong 看看出了什么问题

Update : there are few more things that can go wrong (and this is list how to fix your problem): 更新 :还有几处可能出错的问题(这是解决问题的方法):

  • You are including two jQuery's on the site (probably by another plugin) - 1.4.2 comes after 1.7.2 and breaks basic bootstrap javascripts. 您将在站点上包括两个jQuery (可能是另一个插件)-1.4.2出现在1.7.2之后,并且破坏了基本的自举JavaScript。
  • You're missing Bootstrap CSS info that is required by this plugin. 您缺少此插件所需的Bootstrap CSS信息。 It actually works, but it displays the tooltip info in the bottom of the site since CSS is not there to make it look pretty. 它实际上可以工作,但是由于CSS并未使它看起来漂亮,所以它在网站底部显示工具提示信息。

Solution : use a standalone popovover plugin like this one by crowdfavorite: https://github.com/crowdfavorite/jquery-popover and also include its CSS files. 解决方案 :使用一个独立的popovover插件,例如:crowfavorite: https//github.com/crowdfavorite/jquery-popover ,并包括其CSS文件。

(you could also pull in bootstrap's CSS but it will probably break your sites CSS ) (您也可以拉入bootstrap的CSS,但这可能会破坏您的网站CSS

I can't see any call to $.noConflict(); 我看不到对$ .noConflict()的任何调用;

http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/ http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/

I tried jQuery('.popoverthis').hide() from the console with the same result, just before the site went down. 在站点关闭之前,我从控制台尝试了jQuery('。popoverthis')。hide(),结果相同。

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