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Jquery Mobile App无法在Android上显示某些图像

[英]Jquery Mobile App not displaying certain images on Android

I have a full Jquery Mobile app the currently builds and looks fine in multiple browsers. 我有一个完整的Jquery Mobile应用程序当前构建,在多个浏览器中看起来很好。 I am currently working on getting the version ported using phonegap for android. 我目前正致力于使用phonegap for android移植版本。 As it loads up on the phone, it has several images that are loaded depending on localStorage (I originally used cookies but found some android devices aren't too friendly with that). 当它加载到手机上时,它有几个图像,根据localStorage加载(我最初使用的cookie,但发现一些Android设备不太友好)。 Now, almost all of these triggers load images fine, except the last page. 现在,除了最后一页之外,几乎所有这些触发器都可以正常加载图像。 A certain set of images won't load, and I get the error (when running in an emulator Unknown chromium error: -6 . Others on the page use the same process and have no problem, and all the images are referred to locally. Why would this be happening and what can I do to fix this? 一组图像不会加载,我得到错误(在模拟器中运行时Unknown chromium error: -6 。页面上的其他人使用相同的过程并没有问题,所有图像都在本地引用。为什么会发生这种情况,我该怎么做才能解决这个问题?

Turns out in the android browser, under phonegap, file names are case-sensitive. 在android浏览器中,在phonegap下,文件名区分大小写。 So it wasn't able to load things with capital letters and such. 所以它无法用大写字母等加载东西。

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