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[英]Difference between puts and MESSAGE?

What is the difference between using MESSAGE and tags for the last string? 对最后一个字符串使用MESSAGE和标签有什么区别?

user = ARGV.first
prompt = '>  '

puts "Hi #{user}, im the #{$0} script."
puts "I'd like to ask you a few questions."
puts "Do you like me #{user}?"
print prompt
likes = STDIN.gets.chomp()

puts "Where do you live #{user}?"
print prompt
lives = STDIN.gets.chomp()

puts "What kind of computer do u have?"
print prompt
computer = STDIN.gets.chomp()

puts <<MESSAGE
"Alright, so you said #{likes} about liking me. You live in #{lives}. Not sure where it is.
And you have a #{computer} computer, which is nice." 

What you see is something called here-docs . 您看到的是一个叫做here-docs的东西。 It's a convenient way to have multiline strings without having to escape quotes. 这是拥有多行字符串而不必转义引号的便捷方法。 Besides this, they are just regular strings. 除此之外,它们只是常规字符串。

Some editors may offer additional features. 一些编辑器可能会提供其他功能。 See my other answer about this. 看到对此的其他答案

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