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Grails GORM:如何“取消”一对多关系中孩子的财产?

[英]Grails GORM: How to 'null' a property of a child in a one-to-many relationship?

I have a undirectional one to many relationship of two domain classes: 我有两个域类的无定向一对多关系:

package net.peddn

class User {
    static hasMany = [texts: Text]
    String username 


package net.peddn

class Text {

    long creator
    String title

    static constraints = {
        creator( nullable: true )

my User controller looks like this: 我的用户控制器如下所示:

package net.peddn

class UserController {

static scaffold = true

    def delete() {

        def userInstance = User.get(params.id)

        userInstance.texts.each { text ->
            text.creator = null

        userInstance.delete(flush: true)


my BootStrap.groovy looks like this: 我的BootStrap.groovy看起来像这样:

import net.peddn.Text
import net.peddn.User

class BootStrap {

    def init = { servletContext ->

    User user = new User(username: "username")

    user.save(flush: true)

    Text text1 = new Text(title: "titel 1", creator: user.id)

    Text text2 = new Text(title: "titel 2", creator: user.id)



    user.save(flush: true)


    def destroy = {


When I now try to delete my User I get the following error: 现在,当我尝试删除我的用户时,出现以下错误:

| Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/usertexts
| Error 2012-06-17 19:33:49,581 [http-bio-8080-exec-4] ERROR errors.GrailsExceptionResolver  - IllegalArgumentException occurred when processing request: [POST] /usertexts/user/index - parameters:
id: 1
_action_delete: Löschen
Stacktrace follows:
Message: null
    Line | Method
->>   21 | doCall    in net.peddn.UserController$_delete_closure1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
|     19 | delete    in net.peddn.UserController
|   1110 | runWorker in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
|    603 | run       in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker
^    722 | run . . . in java.lang.Thread

If i change the code to 如果我将代码更改为

text.creator = 0

in UserController.groovy is works perfectly. 在UserController.groovy中是完美的作品。

By the way: I used this domain model because I don't want the Text objects to be deleted when a User will be deleted. 顺便说一句:我使用此域模型是因为我不希望在删除用户时删除Text对象。 But I also want to know who created the Text object. 但是我也想知道谁创建了Text对象。 If someone has a better solution for this problem PLEASE let me know. 如果有人对这个问题有更好的解决方案,请告诉我。

Thanks! 谢谢! Peter 彼得

With your current implementation please try if this works: 使用当前的实现,请尝试是否可行:

    def delete() {

        def userInstance = User.get(params.id)

        userInstance.texts.each { text ->

        userInstance.delete(flush: true)

If you want bidirectional relation User-Texts and you don't want texts to be deleted when user is deleted you can change this behaviour. 如果您想要双向关系用户文本,并且您不希望在删除用户时删除文本,则可以更改此行为。 Check documentation section on cascades in Hibernate here: custom cascades . 在此处查看有关Hibernate中级联的文档部分: 自定义级联 You can change mapping like this: 您可以像这样更改映射:

class User {
    static hasMany = [texts: Text]

    static mapping = {
        texts cascade: "save-update"

Finally I found the right hint . 终于我找到了正确的提示 It seems that this is a casting problem. 看来这是一个强制性问题。 see: 看到:

Groovy Primitive Type Cast Gotcha When Upgrading to Grails 2.0 升级到Grails 2.0时的Groovy基本类型强制转换

So i changed the primitive "long" property of the Text domain class to its "boxed" version "Long": 因此,我将Text域类的原始“ long”属性更改为其“装箱”版本“ Long”:

package net.peddn

class Text {

    Long creator
    String title

    static constraints = {
        creator( nullable: true )

and now the property can be set to null! 现在该属性可以设置为null!

Thank you Tomasz for your help! 谢谢Tomasz的帮助!

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