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[英]block of javascript won't run

take a look at this: 看看这个: 萤火虫屏幕 this is a screen I took from firebug. 这是我从萤火虫拍摄的屏幕。 I don't know why but the browser just refuse to run the code within the lines with gray line number.The breakpoint above is never reached. 我不知道为什么,但是浏览器只是拒绝在灰色行号的行中运行代码。 There is no syntax error, no warning whatsoever. 没有语法错误,也没有警告。 What have I ran into? 我遇到了什么?

edit: I tried with latest chrome and firefox. 编辑:我尝试使用最新的Chrome和Firefox。

I simply avoid do while at that place and it works! 我只是避免在那个地方做而已! Never really sure why. 从来没有真正确定为什么。

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