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[英]R plot grid value on maps

I have several file with the following format: lat,lon,value. 我有几个文件,格式如下:lat,lon,value。 I would like to plot a colored grid map with such value for each one of the lat,lon point and overlapping it over the EU map. 我想绘制一个彩色的网格地图,每个纬度,经度点都具有这样的值,并将其重叠在欧盟地图上。

Thanks for support. 感谢你的支持。

There are roughly two options: one using the lattice and sp package and the other using the ggplot2 package: 大致有两种选择:一种使用grid和sp软件包,另一种使用ggplot2软件包:

lattice / sp 晶格/ sp

First you have to transform your data to a SpatialPixelsDataFrame (provided by the sp-package), assuming your data is called df : 首先,假设您的数据称为df ,则必须将数据转换为SpatialPixelsDataFrame (由sp-package提供)。

gridded(df) = c("lat","lon")

and then plotting: 然后绘制:

spplot(df, "value")

overlaying additional information such as country boundaries can be done using the sp.layout argument: 可以使用sp.layout参数覆盖其他信息(例如国家边界):

spplot(df, "value", sp.layout = list("sp.lines", cntry_boundaries))

where cntry_boundaries is a SpatialLines(DataFrame) , or SpatialPolygons(DataFrame) . 其中cntry_boundariesSpatialLines(DataFrame)SpatialPolygons(DataFrame) Reading a polygonset into R can be done using the rgdal package, or the maptools package ( readShapeLines ). 可以使用rgdal包或maptools包( readShapeLines )将多边形集读入R中。

ggplot2 ggplot2

I personally prefer using ggplot2 over spplot . 我个人更喜欢使用ggplot2不是spplot ggplot2 is more flexible and has a more clear syntax. ggplot2更灵活,语法更清晰。 Note that ggplot2 works with normal data.frame 's, and not with the spatial objects of the sp-package. 请注意, ggplot2适用于普通的data.frame ,不适用于sp-package的空间对象。

A minimal example would look something like: 一个最小的示例如下所示:

ggplot(aes(x = lat, y = lon), data = df) + geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) + 
    geom_path(data = cntry_boundaries)

For more information see these earlier answers of mine: 有关更多信息,请参见我的以下较早答案:

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