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[英]Problems with security.yml on symfony

I'm trying to configure some security in an Application developed on Symfony 1.4 with the sfGuardPlugin 5.0.0. 我正在尝试使用sfGuardPlugin 5.0.0在Symfony 1.4上开发的应用程序中配置一些安全性。

The requirements say that the admin user can do everything and the viewer can only list and see the records. 要求说,管理员用户可以做所有事情,而查看者只能列出和查看记录。

This is the security.yml that I'm using in the directory config of the module: 这是我在模块的目录配置中使用的security.yml:

    is_secure: true
    credentials: [[ admin, viewer ]]

    is_secure: true
    credentials: [[ admin, viewer ]]

    is_secure: true
    credentials: [ admin ]

But I don't know why when I try to make one of the actions allowed for the viewer It stops with the message "Not allowed". 但是我不知道为什么当我尝试进行允许查看器执行的操作之一时,它以消息“不允许”停止。

Here is the stack trace: 这是堆栈跟踪:

1    sfPatternRouting   Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signin" (/guard/login)
2    sfPatternRouting   Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signout" (/guard/logout)
3    sfPatternRouting   Match route "homepage" (/) for / with parameters 
  array ( 'module' => 'strain', 'action' => 'index',)
4    sfFilterChain  Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter"
5    sfFilterChain  Executing filter "sfBasicSecurityFilter"
6    Doctrine_Connection_Mysql  exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - ()
7    Doctrine_Connection_Statement  execute : SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.first_name AS 
 s__first_name, s.last_name AS s__last_name, s.email_address AS s__email_address, s.username 
 AS s__username, s.algorithm AS s__algorithm, s.salt AS s__salt, s.password AS s__password, 
 s.is_active AS s__is_active, s.is_super_admin AS s__is_super_admin, s.last_login AS 
 s__last_login, s.avatar AS s__avatar, s.token AS s__token, s.notify_new_order AS 
 s__notify_new_order, s.notify_ready_order AS s__notify_ready_order, s.initials AS 
 s__initials, s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM sf_guard_user 
 s WHERE (s.id = ?) LIMIT 1 - (25)
8    sfBasicSecurityFilter  Action "strain/index" requires credentials 
  "[admin, viewer]", forwarding to "sfGuardAuth/secure"
9    sfFilterChain  Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter"
10   sfFilterChain  Executing filter "InboxFilter"
11   Doctrine_Connection_Statement  execute : DELETE FROM notification WHERE 
   (status = ? AND updated_at < ?) - (2, 2012-05-19 14:21:05)
12   sfFilterChain  Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter"
13   sfGuardAuthActions Call "sfGuardAuthActions->executeSecure()"
14   sfPHPView  Render "sf_app_dir/modules/sfGuardAuth/templates/secureSuccess.php"
15   main   Call "sfGuardAuth->executeSignin_form()"
16   sfPartialView  Render "sf_app_dir/modules/sfGuardAuth/templates/_signin_form.php"
17   main   Set slot "error_message"
18   sfPHPView  Decorate content with "sf_app_dir/templates/login.php"
19   sfPHPView  Render "sf_app_dir/templates/login.php"
20   main   Get slot "error_message"
21   sfWebResponse  Send status "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"
22   sfWebResponse  Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"

Any clue? 有什么线索吗?

Finally I found the problem, it was not that the application were asking for the two credentials, the issue was that Symfony was looking at the table permissions, and I was using the group. 最终,我找到了问题,这不是应用程序在请求两个凭据,而是Symfony正在查看表权限,而我正在使用该组。

Thanks a lot for all your answers. 非常感谢您的所有回答。

According to the stacktrace, the user need to have both admin and viewer credentials. 据堆栈跟踪,用户需要有两个 adminviewer的凭据。

If it wasn't the case, the error should be (note the [[ & ]] ) : 如果不是这种情况,则错误应该是(请注意[[]] ):

Action "strain/index" requires credentials "[[admin, viewer]]", forwarding to "sfGuardAuth/secure" 操作“应变/索引”需要凭据“ [[管理员,查看者]]”,转发至“ sfGuardAuth /安全”

Re-check your security.yml or paste the full file in your question. 重新检查您的security.yml或将完整文件粘贴到您的问题中。

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