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[英]Could not find gem 'spree-paypal-express' with spree 1.1.1

Hi I have installed and working Spree 1.1.1. 嗨,我已经安装并运行Spree 1.1.1。 and want to integrate PayPal to the engine. 并希望将PayPal集成到引擎中。 and when i am trying to install 'spree_paypal_express' the console is showing the below message please help me out. 当我尝试安装“ spree_paypal_express”时,控制台显示以下消息,请帮帮我。

Could not find gem 'spree-paypal-express (>= 0) x86-mingw32' in the gems available on this machine.

There are a few possible issues with this. 这可能有一些问题。

First, there may be an issue with your Gemfile. 首先,您的Gemfile可能有问题。 For example, 例如,

-- the gem may not be in the gemfile, -宝石可能不在宝石文件中,

-- you may have misspelled the name of the gem in your gemfile -您可能在gemfile中拼错了宝石的名称

-- you may have extra whitespace in the gem name (eg, gem 'spree-paypal-express ' <- note extra space) -您在gem名称中可能有多余的空格(例如, gem 'spree-paypal-express ' <-注意多余的空格)

Here are some things you can try (after checking the above first to make sure your Gemfile is correct): 您可以尝试以下操作(首先检查上述内容以确保您的Gemfile正确之后):

  • Remove all your gems (go to the gems folder of your ruby, remove the specifications folder and the gems folder -- or create a new gemset using rvm) 删除所有宝石(转到红宝石的gems文件夹,删除specs文件夹和gems文件夹-或使用rvm创建新的gemset)
  • gem list should be more or less empty 宝石清单应该或多或少是空的
  • gem install bundler gem安装捆绑器
  • And try to bundle install again from scratch. 并尝试从头开始重新捆绑安装。

I have manually downloaded zip folder from github repository and extracted. 我已经从github仓库手动下载了zip文件夹并解压缩了。 by going in to the directory run gem build spree_paypal_express.gemspec then it will generate some files in which spree_paypal_express-1.1.0.gem will be one of them. 通过进入运行gem build spree_paypal_express.gemspec的目录,它将生成一些文件,其中spree_paypal_express-1.1.0.gem将是其中的一个。 so later run gem install spree_paypal_express-1.1.0.gem 所以以后运行gem install spree_paypal_express-1.1.0.gem

then you are ready to go... you can check by gem list 那么您就可以开始了...您可以按gem list检查


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