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使用PHP / HTML表单将信息插入2个MySQL表

[英]Using a PHP/HTML form to insert information into 2 MySQL tables

Using a form I am inserting the information from 3 text fields and 2 checkboxes into a MySQL database. 我使用表单将3个文本字段和2个复选框中的信息插入MySQL数据库。

The database consists of 2 tables with the following rows: 该数据库由2个表组成,其中包含以下行:

id - articletitle - articleorganization - articledate - articleurl

id - article_tags - articlid - tagid 

The checkboxes use an array and are coded thus: 复选框使用数组,并因此进行了编码:

<input type="checkbox" name="articletags[]" value="geology" id="articletags_0" />
<input type="checkbox" name="articletags[]" value="astronomy" id="articletags_1" />

And the MySQL statement looks like this: MySQL语句如下所示:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO articles SET articletitle='$articletitle',
 articleurl='$articleurl' ")

mysql_query2("INSERT INTO articles_tags SET articletags='$articletags' ")

However, when I visit the page in a web browser it shows a blank page. 但是,当我在Web浏览器中访问该页面时,它显示为空白页面。

In case anyone is wondering, the reason I'm using checkboxes is because the articles will need to be tagged with a combination of tags, and this will ensure that consistency is used in the tagging. 如果有人想知道,我使用复选框的原因是因为文章将需要使用标签组合进行标签,这将确保在标签中使用一致性。 Also, I have a form used to edit the articles, and the database structure could, I believe, be used to make the checkboxes "checked" on the edit page. 另外,我有一个用于编辑文章的表格,我认为可以使用数据库结构来使编辑页面上的复选框“选中”。

Any advice is greatly appreciated. 任何意见是极大的赞赏。

what is mysql_query2 ? 什么是mysql_query2? are you sure you put semicolon after query ? 您确定在查询后输入分号吗?

mysql_query("INSERT INTO articles_tags SET articletags='$articletags' ");

Change mysql_query2('*******) to mysql_query() and enable your error reporting to check error comes in the code. mysql_query2('*******)更改为mysql_query()并启用错误报告以检查代码中是否包含错误。 Echo your query and run directly in database to check any SQL related error. 回显您的查询并直接在数据库中运行以检查任何与SQL相关的错误。

The blank page is actually from a syntax error. 该空白页实际上来自语法错误。 To see syntax errors, edit the php.ini or add this line to the top of your code error_reporting(E_ALL); 要查看语法错误,请编辑php.ini或将此行添加到代码的顶部error_reporting(E_ALL);

Change mysql_query2() to mysql_query() mysql_query2()更改为mysql_query()

Your SQL sytax is incorrect... 您的SQL语法不正确...

If the data is already in the database you want to use UPDATE. 如果数据已经在数据库中,则要使用UPDATE。

mysql_query("UPDATE articles SET articletitle='$articletitle',
 articleurl='$articleurl' ");

mysql_query("UPDATE articles_tags SET articletags='$articletags' ")

This is how you insert data: 这是您插入数据的方式:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO articles (articletitle,
 articleurl) VALUES ($articletitle,$articleorganization,$articledate,$articleurl) ");

Note : You should use mysql_error() to check for syntax errors. 注意 :您应该使用mysql_error()检查语法错误。

mysql_query("INSERT INTO articles_tags SET articletags='$articletags' ") OR DIE(mysql_error());

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