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使用svn2git转换本地Tortoise SVN存储库

[英]Using svn2git to convert a local Tortoise SVN repo

I'm trying to convert a Tortoise SVN repo which lives on a partition which is shared by my Windows/ Ubuntu dual boot machine to a git repo. 我正在尝试将Windows / Ubuntu双启动计算机共享的分区上的Tortoise SVN存储库转换为git存储库。 I've created a new directory for the git repo, and tried svn2git svn://media/mpoint/School/OLD_SVN_DIR on the Ubuntu machine with no luck. 我为git repo创建了一个新目录,并在没有运气的Ubuntu计算机上尝试了svn2git svn://media/mpoint/School/OLD_SVN_DIR

I've seen lots of examples where the SVN repo is server based, but I haven't seen any local examples. 我已经看到了很多示例,其中SVN存储库是基于服务器的,但是我还没有看到任何本地示例。 IE: svn2git svn://localhost/name-of-repo . IE: svn2git svn://localhost/name-of-repo If it helps, on the Windows side (where the SVN repo was made) the address was https:/John-T60/svn/OLD_SVN_DIR/ . 如果有帮助,则在Windows端(制作SVN存储库的位置)上的地址为https:/John-T60/svn/OLD_SVN_DIR/ I've tried this using the command svn2git https://John-T60/svn/OLD_SVN_DIR with no luck. 我已经尝试使用命令svn2git https://John-T60/svn/OLD_SVN_DIR ,但是没有运气。

My SVN repo isn't very complicated, maybe 50-100 commits and just the master branch. 我的SVN存储库不是很复杂,也许有50-100次提交,而只是master分支。 Any examples? 有什么例子吗?

How about simply workarounding this issues: Export your subversion repository via 如何简单地解决此问题:通过以下方式导出您的Subversion存储库

svnadmin dump /path/to/your/repo > yourreporname.dump

temporarily install VisualSVN (which is a very easy to setup and use SVN repository), import your dump using their convenient GUI and proceed to convert your repository to Git as regular remote SVN repository. 临时安装VisualSVN(这非常容易设置和使用SVN储存库),使用方便的GUI导入转储,然后将您的储存库转换为常规的远程SVN储存库到Git。

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