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[英]Jenkins takes too long to execute

I'm currently building Python regression tests using Jenkins. 我目前正在使用Jenkins构建Python回归测试。 For some reason, each individual test in the test suite is taking approx. 由于某种原因,测试套件中的每个单独测试都需要花费大约。 15 minutes to run (and there are about 70/80 tests total) in Jenkins, but when I run the tests from the command line on the same windows box, each individual tests takes only about 30seconds to 1minute to run. 在Jenkins中运行15分钟(总共大约有70/80个测试),但是当我在同一Windows框上从命令行运行测试时,每个单独的测试只需要大约30秒到1分钟的时间即可运行。 I even put print statements in some of the files and none of them show up on the jenkins command line output. 我什至在某些文件中都放置了打印语句,但在jenkins命令行输出中都没有出现。 Has anyone else faced this problem or have any suggestions? 还有其他人遇到这个问题或有什么建议吗?

Thanks 谢谢

Also, I'm not doing a sync every time I build, only syncing once! 另外,我每次构建时都不同步,只同步一次!

This may have to do with running Jenkins in the background (and/or as a service). 这可能与在后台(和/或作为服务)运行Jenkins有关。 Try running it in the foreground with java -jar jenkins.war an see if it helps. 尝试使用java -jar jenkins.war在前台运行它,看看是否有帮助。

Check load on the machine and ensure you set Jenkins with enough memory to run those tests. 检查计算机上的负载,并确保为Jenkins设置了足够的内存来运行那些测试。

It is not clear if you are working with Jenkins-slaves or directly on the master - This may also have an affect on performance. 目前尚不清楚您是在使用Jenkins从属服务器还是直接在主服务器上使用-这可能也会影响性能。

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