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[英]How to set metadata when posting via email in Wordpress

I have a custom post defined that includes an item of metadata (a URL). 我定义了一个自定义帖子,其中包含一个元数据(URL)项。 My Wordpress loop displays the title of the post and links to the URL - the content is not displayed. 我的Wordpress循环显示帖子标题和URL链接-不显示内容。

Can anyone help me set up posting via e-mail in Wordpress such that the subject line is the title and the body is the URL? 谁能帮助我在Wordpress中设置通过电子邮件的发布,以便主题行为标题,正文为URL?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Wordpress provides a handy hook for posting via e-mail, publish_phone . Wordpress提供了一个方便的钩子,用于通过电子邮件publish_phone Add this code into your functions.php in the active theme directory. 将此代码添加到活动主题目录中的functions.php中。

add_action('publish_phone', 'set_metadata');

function set_metadata($post_ID) {
    $post = get_post($post_ID);
    $content = $post->post_content;
    $meta_key = 'url'; //the name of your metadata
    update_post_meta($post_ID, $meta_key, $content);

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