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[英]Javascript prototype method override not found

I have this base type: 我有这个基本类型:

typeA = function () {


typeA.prototype = {
  do = function() { alert ("do something"); },
  doMore = function() { this.do(); }

and an inherited type typeB: 和一个继承的类型typeB:

typeB = function () {

typeB .prototype = new typeA();
typeB.prototype.do = function() { alert ("do something else"); };

When I create an instance of typeB and call doMore, I get an error indicating that this.do is not a function. 当我创建一个typeB实例并调用doMore时,出现一条错误消息,指示this.do不是函数。 Can I do this sort of thing in Javascript? 我可以用Javascript做这种事情吗?

Is this example what you are looking for? 这个例子是您要找的吗?

typeA = function () { };

typeA.prototype = {
  do : function() { alert ("do something"); }, //use : instead of = here
  doMore : function() { this.do(); }

typeB = function () { };

typeB.prototype = new typeA();
typeB.prototype.do = function() { alert ("do something else"); };

var instance = new typeB();

You use : when declaring the properties of an object and = when assigning values to variables. 在声明对象的属性时使用: ,在将值分配给变量时使用= :D :D

Additional explanation: 附加说明:

This is where the interesting stuff happens: 这是发生有趣的事情的地方:

typeB.prototype = new typeA(); typeB.prototype =新的typeA();

When you access a function or variable of an object with . 使用访问对象的函数或变量时. , the browser first looks in the object itself to see if that variable is defined there. ,浏览器首先查看对象本身,以查看是否在该对象中定义了该变量。 This is why you can do things like this: 这就是为什么您可以执行以下操作的原因:

var foo = function() {};
foo.prototype.bar = 3

instance = new foo();
alert( instance.bar ); //alerts 3
instance["bar"] = 55;  //add a variable to the instance object itself
alert( instance.bar ); //alerts 55, instance variable masks prototype variable

This shows how there are two ways that something can be 'in' an object. 这说明了某种东西可以“存在”于对象中的方式有​​两种。 It can either be in the object itself (which you can also do by adding this.bar = 55 to the constructor) or it can in the object's prototype. 它既可以在对象本身中(也可以通过在构造函数中添加this.bar = 55来实现),也可以在对象的原型中。

Hence, when you say typeB.prototype = new typeA(); 因此,当您说typeB.prototype = new typeA(); you are putting everything in that instance of typeA into typeB'prototype . 你把一切都在该实例typeAtypeB'prototype What you've basically said is "Hey browser, if you can't find something in an instance of typeB, look to see if its in this instance of typeA!" 您基本上说的是“嘿,浏览器,如果在typeB实例中找不到东西,请查看它是否在typeA实例中!”

Turns out there's nothing actually in that instance , just things in its prototype that end up getting used when the browser can't find a variable of that name in that object itself. 事实证明,在该实例中实际上没有任何东西,只是当浏览器无法在对象本身中找到该名称的变量时,原型中的某些东西才最终被使用。 When you call instance.doMore() , the browser can't find it in instance , so it looks in typeB.prototype , which you just set to an instance of typeA . 当你调用instance.doMore()浏览器无法找到它的instance ,所以它看起来在typeB.prototype ,您刚才设置的一个实例typeA Since it can't find anything called doMore in that instance, it looks in its prototype, and finally finds a definition for doMore and happily calls it. 由于在实例中找不到名为doMore任何内容,因此它会查找原型,最后找到doMore的定义并愉快地调用它。

One interesting thing is that you can still mess around with things that are actually in that instance of typeA that you set to be the prototype: 一件有趣的事情是,您仍然可以弄乱设置为原型的typeA实例中的实际内容:

//earlier code the same

foo = new typeA();
typeB.prototype = foo;
foo.do = function() { alert ("do something else"); };
//^^ same as `typeB.prototype.do = function() { alert ("do something else"); };`

var instance = new typeB();

While this is kind of cool when you understand what's going on IMHO, the extra layer of indirection (checking to see if stuff is defined in the instance of typeA before looking in typeA.prototype) is probably not the best idea, and your code would probably be clearer if you just said this: 虽然当您了解IMHO发生的事情时这很酷,但间接的额外层(在查看typeA.prototype之前检查是否在typeA实例中定义了东西)可能不是最好的主意,并且您的代码将如果您只是这样说,可能会更清楚:

typeB.prototype = typeA.prototype;

(sorry if you already knew everything I just told you, but I thought I'd describe how things were working under the hood ;) (对不起,如果您已经知道我刚刚告诉您的所有内容,但是我想我要描述一下事情是如何进行的;)

You cannot use the word do because it is a reserved keyword (used in do while loop). 您不能使用单词do因为它是保留关键字(在do while循环中使用)。 You can, however, try this: 但是,您可以尝试以下操作:

typeA.prototype = {
    "do": function() { ... }


It is better if you use constructor functions when working with prototypes. 最好在使用原型时使用构造函数。

What you have to do is instantiate the object be after you set its prototype of typeA. 您要做的是在设置对象的typeA原型后实例化该对象。 What you're doing is dynamically adding they new function of .do() to be after typeB is created. 您正在做的是在typeB创建后动态添加它们到.do()的新功能。 That is the only way you can do that. 那是唯一可以做到这一点的方法。

function typeA() { };
typeA.prototype = {
    'do': function () { alert("do something"); },
    doMore: function () { this.do(); }
function typeB() { };
typeB.prototype = new typeA();
typeB.prototype['do'] = function () { alert('doing from typeB'); };
var b = new typeB();

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