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[英]How to edit/load eclipse plugin

I'm trying to learn about debuggers in eclipse, and in this article: 我正在尝试了解Eclipse中的调试器,并在本文中:

http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Debugger/how-to.html http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Debugger/how-to.html

They give a few sample plugins at the bottom that one can install and try out (the zip file on the bottom). 他们在底部提供了一些示例插件,可以安装并试用(底部的zip文件)。

I'm not so familiar with eclipse plugins, and I am unsure as to how to install/view the source code of these jar files in eclipse. 我对eclipse插件不太熟悉,我不确定如何在eclipse中安装/查看这些jar文件的源代码。 I have tried importing them into PDE and that has not worked. 我尝试将它们导入PDE,但没有成功。

Thanks for any help. 谢谢你的帮助。

  1. Unpack the ZIP file. 解压缩ZIP文件。
  2. Unpack each JAR file into it's own directory with: jar xf org.eclipse...jar 使用以下命令将每个JAR文件解压缩到其自己的目录中:jar xf org.eclipse ... jar

    One of the unpacked files will be coresrc.zip, which contains the source for the core plugin, and one file will be uisrc.zip, which contains the source for the UI plugin. 解压缩后的文件之一将是coresrc.zip,其中包含核心插件的源,一个文件将是uisrc.zip,其中包含UI插件的源。

  3. Unpack those ZIP files somewhere 将那些ZIP文件解压缩到某个地方

  4. Import the directories created from the ZIP files as plugin projects. 从ZIP文件创建的目录作为插件项目导入。

This is not elegant, but will get the source into Eclipse. 这不是很好,但是会将源代码带入Eclipse。

It is quite possible that you will not be able to run the plugins, as they've been developed for Eclipse 3.0, which is about 100 years old and pretty much all interfaces have changed since then. 您很有可能将无法运行这些插件,因为它们是为Eclipse 3.0开发的,该版本已有100多年的历史了,此后几乎所有接口都已更改。

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