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即使服务器中存在ssh密钥,Cap Deployment也会要求输入密码

[英]Cap deploy asks for password even though ssh key is present in server

When I try to ssh to a server, I'm able to do it as my id_rsa.pub key is added to the authorized keys in the server. 当我尝试SSH到服务器时,我可以这样做,因为我的id_rsa.pub密钥已添加到服务器中的授权密钥中。

Now when I try to deploy my code via Capistrano to the server from my local project folder, the server asks for a password. 现在,当我尝试通过Capistrano将代码从本地项目文件夹部署到服务器时,服务器会要求输入密码。

I'm unable to understand what could be the issue if I'm able to ssh and unable to deploy to the same server. 如果无法ssh且无法部署到同一服务器,我将无法理解可能是什么问题。

$ cap deploy:setup $ cap deploy:setup

"no seed data"
triggering start callbacks for `deploy:setup'
* 13:42:18 == Currently executing `multistage:ensure'
*** Defaulting to `development'
* 13:42:18 == Currently executing `development'
* 13:42:18 == Currently executing `deploy:setup'
triggering before callbacks for `deploy:setup'
* 13:42:18 == Currently executing `db:configure_mongoid'
* executing "mkdir -p /home/deploy/apps/development/flyingbird/shared/config"
 servers: ["dev1.noob.com", ""]


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