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检查一个值是否等于Ember Handlebar中的块助手

[英]Check for a value equals to in Ember Handlebar If block helper

How do we check for a value equality in ember.js 's If-block helper? 我们如何在ember.js的If-block帮助器中检查值是否相等?

{{#if person=="John"}}

How do we perform above in handlebars? 我们如何在车把上进行上述操作?

The {{#if}} helper can only test for properties, not arbitrary expressions. {{#if}}帮助程序只能测试属性,而不能测试任意表达式。 The best thing to do in cases like this is therefore to write a property computing whatever conditional you want to test for. 因此,在这种情况下,最好的办法是编写一个属性,计算您想要测试的条件。

personIsJohn: function() {
  return this.get('person') === 'John';

Then do {{#if personIsJohn}} . 然后做{{#if personIsJohn}}

Note: If you find this too limiting, you can also register your own more powerful if helper . 注意:如果你觉得这太受限制,你也可以注册自己的功能更强大if帮手

Use an Ember.Component , thus avoid repetitively defining computed properties in your classes (like personIsJohn above): 使用Ember.Component ,从而避免在类中重复定义计算属性(如上面的personIsJohn ):

// if_equal_component.js script
App.IfEqualComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  isEqual: function() {
    return this.get('param1') === this.get('param2');
  }.property('param1', 'param2')

// if-equal.handlebars template
{{#if isEqual}}

You can define the else part of the comparison, with an App.ElseEqualComponent : 您可以使用App.ElseEqualComponent定义比较的else部分:

// else_equal_component.js script
App.ElseEqualComponent = App.IfEqualComponent.extend();

// else-equal.handlebars template
{{#unless isEqual}}

Usage: 用法:

{{#if-equal param1=person param2="John"}}
  Hi John!
{{#else-equal param1=person param2="John"}}
  Who are you?

If you're using HTMLBars (Ember version 1.10+), then you can use the Ember Truth Helper addon: 如果您使用的是HTMLBars(Ember版本1.10+),那么您可以使用Ember Truth Helper插件:

https://github.com/jmurphyau/ember-truth-helpers https://github.com/jmurphyau/ember-truth-helpers

Once installed, it'll be as simple as this: 安装完成后,它就像这样简单:

{{#if (eq person "John")}} hello {{/if}}

although this problem can be solved using eq helper by writing 虽然这个问题可以通过写作使用eq helper来解决

{{#if (eq person "John")}} hello {{/if}}

but for a general solution you can make your own helper which will take three params param[0] and param[2] being operand and param[1] being operator. 但是对于一般解决方案,你可以制作自己的助手,它将采用三个参数param[0]param[2]作为操作数, param[1]作为运算符。 Below is the helper file. 下面是帮助文件。

compare.js compare.js

import Ember from 'ember';

export function compare(params) {
  if(params[3]){  //handle case insensitive conditions if 4 param is passed.
    params[0]= params[0].toLowerCase();
    params[2]= params[2].toLowerCase();
  let v1 = params[0];
  let operator = params[1];
  let v2 = params[2];
  switch (operator) {
    case '==':
      return (v1 == v2);
    case '!=':
      return (v1 != v2);
    case '===':
      return (v1 === v2);
    case '<':
      return (v1 < v2);
    case '<=':
      return (v1 <= v2);
    case '>':
      return (v1 > v2);
    case '>=':
      return (v1 >= v2);
    case '&&':
      return !!(v1 && v2);
    case '||':
      return !!(v1 || v2);
      return false;

export default Ember.Helper.helper(compare);

now you can easily use it for multiple purpose. 现在您可以轻松地将其用于多种用途。

for equality check. 用于平等检查。

{{#if (compare person '===' 'John')}} {{/if}}

for greater check. 更好的检查。

{{#if (compare money '>' 300)}} {{/if}}

and so on. 等等。

Expanding on Jo Liss's answer, you can now do this using a computed property macro for more concise and readable code. 扩展Jo Liss的答案,您现在可以使用计算属性宏来实现此更简洁和可读的代码。

personIsJohn: function() {
  return this.get('person') === 'John';


personIsJohn: Ember.computed.equal('person', 'John')

Relavent Docs . 相关文件

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