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[英]Get value of execution of a unix command in perl script

I am executing a unix command through perl script to get size of a direcory. 我正在通过perl脚本执行unix命令来获取目录的大小。

$path = "/dir1/di2/";
system("du -sh $path");

How can I get the result back in my perl script. 如何将结果返回到我的perl脚本中。

I am using 我在用

$size = system("du -sh $path");
print $size

But it is giving size=0; 但是它给size = 0;

You could also do this using perl , eg as shown here . 您也可以使用perl进行此操作,例如,如此处所示 Something like 就像是

use File::Find;           
find(sub { $size += -s if -f $_ }, $path);

Perl syntax is very similar to Bash one. Perl的语法与Bash的语法非常相似。 Backquote your command and it's output will be stored in the variable. 反引号命令,它的输出将存储在变量中。

    my $variable = `command`;
    print $variable;

If your command has output on multiple lines, you can assign it to an array, for example: 如果命令有多行输出,则可以将其分配给数组,例如:

    my @files = `ls -l`
    chomp @files;

Then, every output line will be stored in a different element of the array. 然后,每条输出线将存储在数组的不同元素中。

How to do a backquote may vary depending on your keyboard layout. 反引号的方法可能因键盘布局而异。 On US layout it's the same key of tilde (~). 在美国版式上,它与代字号(〜)相同。

a system call returns the status of the call, not the output. system调用返回调用的状态,而不是输出。 Use backticks (or the qx operator) like: 使用反引号(或qx运算符),例如:

$size = qx(du -sh $path);

It's returning the command status, which is success. 它返回命令状态,即成功。

Instead, do: 相反,请执行以下操作:

$size = `du -sh $path`

(backquotes delimiting command) (反引号分隔命令)

Or you may redirect the output to a file handle and use it to get the output. 或者,您可以将输出重定向到文件句柄,然后使用它来获取输出。

open (FD,"du -hs \"$path\" |");
while (<FD>) {
$path = "/dir1/di2/";
print(qx(du -sh $path));

This should work ! 这应该工作!

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