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[英]Calculating convolution of two functions using FFT (FFTW)

I'm trying to speed up a computation for a neural simulator using the FFT. 我正在尝试使用FFT加快神经模拟器的计算速度。

The equation is: 等式是:

(1) \\sum(j=1 to N) (w(i - j) * s_NMDA[j]) (1)\\ sum(j = 1至N)(w(i-j)* s_NMDA [j])

where s_NMDA is a vector of length N and w is defined by: 其中s_NMDA是长度为N的向量,而w由以下定义:

(2) w(j) = tanh[1/(2 * sigma * p)] * exp(-abs(j) / (sigma * p)] (2)w(j)= tanh [1 /(2 * sigma * p)] * exp(-abs(j)/(sigma * p)]

where sigma and p are constants. 其中sigma和p是常数。

(is there a better way to render equations on stackoverflow?) (是否有更好的方法在stackoverflow上呈现方程式?)

The calculation has to be done for N neurons. 必须对N个神经元进行计算。 Since (1) only depends on the absolute distance abs(i - j), it should be possible to compute this using the FFT (convolution theorem). 由于(1)仅取决于绝对距离abs(i-j),因此应该可以使用FFT(卷积定理)进行计算。

I've tried to implement this using FFTW but the results do not match with the expected results. 我尝试使用FFTW来实现此目的,但结果与预期结果不符。 I've never used FFTW before and now I'm not sure if my implementation is incorrect of if my assumptions about the convolution theorem are false. 我以前从未使用过FFTW,现在不确定我的实现是否正确或者关于卷积定理的假设是否错误。

void f_I_NMDA_FFT(
    const double     **states, // states[i][6] == s_NMDA[i]
    const unsigned int numNeurons)
    fftw_complex *distances, *sNMDAs, *convolution;
    fftw_complex *distances_f, *sNMDAs_f, *convolution_f;
    fftw_plan     p, pinv;
    const double scale = 1./numNeurons;

        distances = (fftw_complex *)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * numNeurons);
        sNMDAs    = (fftw_complex *)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * numNeurons);
        convolution = (fftw_complex *)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * numNeurons);
        distances_f = (fftw_complex *)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * numNeurons);
        sNMDAs_f    = (fftw_complex *)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * numNeurons);
        convolution_f    = (fftw_complex *)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * numNeurons);

        // fill input array for distances  
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNeurons; ++i)
        distances[i][0] = w(i);
        distances[i][1] = 0;

        // fill input array for sNMDAs
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNeurons; ++i)
        sNMDAs[i][0] = states[i][6];
        sNMDAs[i][1] = 0;

    p = fftw_plan_dft_1d(numNeurons,

    p = fftw_plan_dft_1d(numNeurons,

    // convolution in frequency domain
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numNeurons; ++i)
        convolution_f[i][0] = (distances_f[i][0] * sNMDAs_f[i][0]
            - distances_f[i][1] * sNMDAs_f[i][1]) * scale;
        convolution_f[i][1] = (distances_f[i][0] * sNMDAs_f[i][1]
            - distances_f[i][1] * sNMDAs_f[i][0]) * scale;

    pinv = fftw_plan_dft_1d(numNeurons,

    // compute and compare with expected result
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNeurons; ++i)
            double expected = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < numNeurons; ++j)
                expected += w(i - j) * states[j][6];
            printf("i=%d, FFT: r%f, i%f : Expected: %f\n", i, convolution[i][0], convolution[i][1], expected);


    fftw_free(distances), fftw_free(sNMDAs), fftw_free(convolution);
    fftw_free(distances_f), fftw_free(sNMDAs_f), fftw_free(convolution_f);

Here's an example output for 20 neurons: 这是20个神经元的示例输出:

i=0, FFT: r0.042309, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.041504
i=1, FFT: r0.042389, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.042639
i=2, FFT: r0.042466, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.043633
i=3, FFT: r0.042543, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.044487
i=4, FFT: r0.041940, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.045203
i=5, FFT: r0.041334, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.045963
i=6, FFT: r0.041405, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.046585
i=7, FFT: r0.041472, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.047070
i=8, FFT: r0.041537, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.047419
i=9, FFT: r0.041600, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.047631
i=10, FFT: r0.041660, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.047708
i=11, FFT: r0.041717, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.047649
i=12, FFT: r0.041773, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.047454
i=13, FFT: r0.041826, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.047123
i=14, FFT: r0.041877, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.046656
i=15, FFT: r0.041926, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.046052
i=16, FFT: r0.041294, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.045310
i=17, FFT: r0.042059, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.044430
i=18, FFT: r0.042144, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.043412
i=19, FFT: r0.042228, i0.000000 : Expected: 0.042253

The results seem to be almost correct, but the error increases with the number of neurons. 结果似乎几乎是正确的,但是误差随着神经元数量的增加而增加。 Also, the results seem to be more accurate for positions (i) that are very low or very high. 同样,对于位置非常低或很高的位置(i),结果似乎更为准确。 What's going on here? 这里发生了什么?

Update : As suggested by Oli Charlesworth, I implemented the algorithm in octave to see if it's a implementation or math problem: 更新 :正如Oli Charlesworth所建议的那样,我以八度实现了该算法,以查看它是实现还是数学问题:

input = [0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775];

function ret = _w(i)
  ret = tanh(1 / (2* 1 * 32)) * exp(-abs(i) / (1 * 32));

for i = linspace(1, 10, 10)
  expected = 0;
  for j = linspace(1, 10, 10)
    expected += _w(i-j) * input(j);

distances = _w(transpose(linspace(0, 9, 10)));

input_f = fft(input);
distances_f = fft(distances);

convolution_f = input_f .* distances_f;

convolution = ifft(convolution_f)

Results: 结果:

expected =  0.022959
expected =  0.023506
expected =  0.023893
expected =  0.024121
expected =  0.024190
expected =  0.024100
expected =  0.024034
expected =  0.023808
expected =  0.023424
expected =  0.022880
convolution =


The results are very much the same. 结果几乎相同。 Therefore, there must be something wrong with my understanding of the convolution theorem / FFT. 因此,我对卷积定理/ FFT的理解肯定有问题。

To convolve 2 signals via FFT you generally need to do this: 要通过FFT对2个信号进行卷积,通常需要执行以下操作:

  1. Add as many zeroes to every signal as necessary so its length becomes the cumulative length of the original signals - 1 (that's the length of the result of the convolution). 根据需要在每个信号上添加尽可能多的零,以便其长度成为原始信号的累积长度-1(即卷积结果的长度)。
  2. If your FFT library requires input lengths to be powers of 2, add to every signal as many zeroes as necessary to meet that requirement too. 如果您的FFT库要求输入长度为2的幂,则也要为满足每个要求,为每个信号添加尽可能多的零。
  3. Calculate the DFT of signal 1 (via FFT). 计算信号1的DFT(通过FFT)。
  4. Calculate the DFT of signal 2 (via FFT). 计算信号2的DFT(通过FFT)。
  5. Multiply the two DFTs element-wise. 将两个DFT逐个元素相乘。 It should be a complex multiplication, btw. 顺便说一句,它应该是一个复杂的乘法。
  6. Calculate the inverse DFT (via FFT) of the multiplied DFTs. 计算乘DFT的逆DFT(通过FFT)。 That'll be your convolution result. 那将是您的卷积结果。

In your code I see FFTW_FORWARD in all 3 FFTs. 在您的代码中,我在所有3个FFT中都看到了FFTW_FORWARD I'm guessing if that's not the problem, it's part of it. 我想这不是问题,这是问题的一部分。 The last FFT should be "backward", not "forward". 最后的FFT应该是“向后”,而不是“向前”。

Also, I think you need "+" in the 2nd expression, not "-": 另外,我认为您需要在第二个表达式中使用“ +”,而不是“-”:

convolution_f[i][0] = (distances_f[i][0] * sNMDAs_f[i][0]
            - distances_f[i][1] * sNMDAs_f[i][1]) * scale;

convolution_f[i][1] = (distances_f[i][0] * sNMDAs_f[i][1]
            - distances_f[i][1] * sNMDAs_f[i][0]) * scale;

I finally solved the problem, thanks a lot to Alex and Oli Charlesworth for your suggestions! 我终于解决了这个问题,非常感谢Alex和Oli Charlesworth的建议!

function ret = _w(i)
  ret = tanh(1 / (2* 1 * 32)) * exp(-abs(i) / (1 * 32));

_input = [0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775; 0.186775];
n = size(_input)(1);

input = _input;

for i = linspace(1, n, n)
  expected = 0;
  for j = linspace(1, n, n)
    expected += _w(i-j) * input(j);

input = vertcat(_input, zeros((2*n)-n-1,1));

distances = _w(transpose(linspace(0, (2*n)-n-1, n)));
distances = vertcat(flipud(distances), distances(2:end));

input_f = fft(input);
distances_f = fft(distances);

convolution_f = input_f .* distances_f;

convolution = ifft(convolution_f)(n:end)

Results: 结果:

expected =  0.022959
expected =  0.023506
expected =  0.023893
expected =  0.024121
expected =  0.024190
expected =  0.024100
expected =  0.024034
expected =  0.023808
expected =  0.023424
expected =  0.022880
convolution =


I basically forgot to order the distances array in the correct way. 我基本上忘了以正确的方式订购distances数组。 If anyone is interested, I can provide a more detailed explanation later on. 如果有人感兴趣,我稍后可以提供更详细的解释。

Update: (Explanation) 更新:(说明)

Here's what my distances vector (for 5 neurons) looked liked initially: 这是我的距离向量(用于5个神经元)最初看起来像的样子:

i =  1       2       3       4       5

| _w(0) | _w(1) | _w(2) | _w(3) | _w(4) |

On this vector, I applied a kernel, eg: 在此向量上,我应用了一个内核,例如:

|  0.1  |  0.1  |  0.0  |  0.2  |  0.3  |

Since I was using cyclic convolution, the result for the first neuron _w(0) was: 由于我正在使用循环卷积,因此第一个神经元_w(0)的结果为:

0.0 * _w(2) + 0.1 * _w(1) + 0.1 * _w(0) + 0.1 * _w(1) + 0.0 * _w(2) 0.0 * _w(2)+ 0.1 * _w(1)+ 0.1 * _w(0)+ 0.1 * _w(1)+ 0.0 * _w(2)

But this is incorrect, the result should be: 但这是不正确的,结果应为:

0.1 * _w(0) + 0.1 * _w(1) + 0.0 * _w(2) + 0.2 * _w(3) + 0.3 * _w(4) 0.1 * _w(0)+ 0.1 * _w(1)+ 0.0 * _w(2)+ 0.2 * _w(3)+ 0.3 * _w(4)

To achieve that, I had to "mirror" my distances vector and add some padding to the kernel: 为此,我必须“镜像”我的距离矢量,并向内核添加一些填充:

input = vertcat(_input, zeros((2*n)-n-1,1));
distances = _w(transpose(linspace(0, (2*n)-n-1, n)));
distances = _w(transpose(linspace(0, (2*n)-n-1, n)));

i =  1       2        3       4       5       6       7       8       9

| _w(4) | _w(3)  | _w(2) | _w(1) | _w(0) | _w(1) | _w(2) | _w(3) | _w(4) |

|  0.1  |  0.1   |  0.0  |  0.2  |  0.3  |  0    |  0    |  0    |  0    |

Now, if I apply the convolution, the results for i = [5:9] are exactly the results I was looking for, so I'll only have to discard [1:4] and I'm done :) 现在,如果我应用卷积,则i = [5:9]的结果正好是我想要的结果,因此我只需要丢弃[1:4]就可以了:)

convolution = ifft(convolution_f)(n:end)

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