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HTML 画布 - 绘图在调整大小时消失

[英]HTML canvas - drawing disappear on resizing

I have created a basic shape in HTML canvas element which works fine.我在 HTML canvas 元素中创建了一个基本形状,效果很好。

The problem occurs when I resize the canvas, all the drawing in the canvas disappears.当我调整画布大小时出现问题,画布中的所有绘图都消失了。 Is this the normal behavior?这是正常行为吗? or is there a function that can be used to stop this?或者是否有可用于停止此功能的功能?

One way to fix this could be to call drawing function again on canvas resize however this may not be very efficient if there is huge content to be drawn.解决此问题的一种方法是在调整画布大小时再次调用绘图函数,但是如果要绘制大量内容,这可能不是很有效。

What's the best way?最好的方法是什么?

Here is the link to sample code https://gist.github.com/2983915这是示例代码的链接https://gist.github.com/2983915

You need to redraw the scene when you resize.调整大小时需要重新绘制场景。

setting the width or height of a canvas, even if you are setting it to the same value as before , not only clears the canvas but resets the entire canvas context.设置画布的宽度或高度,即使您将其设置为与之前相同的值,不仅会清除画布,还会重置整个画布上下文。 Any set properties ( fillStyle , lineWidth , the clipping region, etc) will also be reset.任何设置的属性( fillStylelineWidth 、剪辑区域等)也将被重置。

If you do not have the ability to redraw the scene from whatever data structures you might have representing the canvas, you can always save the entire canvas itself by drawing it to an in-memory canvas, setting the original width, and drawing the in-memory canvas back to the original canvas.如果您无法从表示画布的任何数据结构中重绘场景,您始终可以通过将其绘制到内存画布、设置原始宽度并绘制内部画布来保存整个画布本身。记忆画布回到原来的画布。

Here's a really quick example of saving the canvas bitmap and putting it back after a resize:这是保存画布位图并在调整大小后将其放回原处的一个非常简单的示例:

http://jsfiddle.net/simonsarris/weMbr/ http://jsfiddle.net/simonsarris/weMbr/

Everytime you resize the canvas it will reset itself to transparant black, as defined in the spec .每次调整画布大小时,它都会将自身重置为透明黑色, 如规范中所定义

You will either have to:您将不得不:

  • redraw when you resize the canvas, or,调整画布大小时重绘,或者,
  • don't resize the canvas不要调整画布大小

One another way is to use the debounce if you are concerned with the performance.如果您关心性能,另一种方法是使用去抖动。 It doesnt resize or redraw every position you are dragging.它不会调整大小或重新绘制您拖动的每个位置。 But it will resize only when the it is resized.但它只会在调整大小时调整大小。

 // Assume canvas is in scope
 addEventListener.("resize", debouncedResize );

 // debounce timeout handle
 var debounceTimeoutHandle;

 // The debounce time in ms (1/1000th second)
 const DEBOUNCE_TIME = 100; 

 // Resize function 
 function debouncedResize () { 
    clearTimeout(debounceTimeoutHandle);  // Clears any pending debounce events

 // Schedule a canvas resize 
 debounceTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(resizeCanvas, DEBOUNCE_TIME);

 // canvas resize function
 function resizeCanvas () { ... resize and redraw ... }

I had the same problem.我有同样的问题。 Try following code试试下面的代码

var wrapper = document.getElementById("signature-pad");
var canvas = wrapper.querySelector("canvas");
var ratio = Math.max(window.devicePixelRatio || 1, 1);
canvas.width = canvas.offsetWidth * ratio;
canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight * ratio;

It keeps the drawing as it is它保持原样

One thing that worked for me was to use requestAnimationFrame() .对我有用的一件事是使用requestAnimationFrame()

let height = window.innerHeight;
let width = window.innerWidth;

function handleWindowResize() {
    height = window.innerHeight;
    width = window.innerWidth;

function render() {
    // Draw your fun shapes here
    // ...

    // Keep this on the bottom

// Canvas being defined at the top of the file.
function init() {
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");


I had the same problem when I had to resize the canvas to adjust it to the screen.当我不得不调整画布大小以将其调整到屏幕时,我遇到了同样的问题。 But I solved it with this code:但我用这段代码解决了它:

 var c = document.getElementById('canvas'); ctx = c.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillRect(0,0,20,20); // Save canvas settings ctx.save(); // Save canvas context var dataURL = c.toDataURL('image/jpeg'); // Resize canvas c.width = 50; c.height = 50; // Restore canvas context var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = dataURL; img.onload=function(){ ctx.drawImage(img,20,20); } // Restote canvas settings ctx.restore();
 <canvas id=canvas width=40 height=40></canvas>

I also met this problem.but after a experiment, I found that Resizing the canvas element will automatically clear all drawings off the canvas!我也遇到了这个问题。但是经过实验,我发现调整画布元素的大小会自动清除画布上的所有绘图! just try the code below试试下面的代码

<canvas id = 'canvas'></canvas>
    var canvas1 = document.getElementById('canvas')
    console.log('canvas size',canvas1.width, canvas1.height)
    var ctx = canvas1.getContext('2d')
    ctx.font = 'Bold 48px Arial'
    var f = ctx.font
    canvas1.width = 480
    var f1 = ctx.font
    alert(f === f1) //false

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