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[英]How to Re-Direct from Jquery modal pop up to the different page in a parent's frame

I have a problem where I have one page containing a login link. 我有一个页面包含登录链接的问题。 When selected I'm opening a Jquery modal pop up(color box) containing a login page. 选择后,我将打开一个包含登录页面的Jquery模态弹出窗口(颜色框)。

In login page a login control is placed and on successful login it should redirect to Home page. 在登录页面中放置一个登录控件,成功登录后,它应重定向到主页。 But currently when i successfully login to the application the new page is opening in the modal pop up itself. 但是目前,当我成功登录到应用程序时,新页面将在模式弹出窗口中打开。

Is there any solution to open the page in the same window of the parent of modal pop up? 有什么解决方案可以在模态弹出窗口的父窗口的同一窗口中打开页面?

You must address the top window as: 您必须将顶部窗口的地址设置为:

$(location, window.top.document).attr('href', url);

url is the address you won to redirect. url是您将要重定向的地址。

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