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[英]extract contents of each level of parentheses

I am converting a SMAPI grammar to JSGF . 我正在将SMAPI语法转换为JSGF They are pretty similar grammars used in different speech recognition systems. 它们是在不同语音识别系统中使用的非常相似的语法。 SMAPI uses a question mark they way the rest of the world does, to mean 0 or 1 of the previous thing. SMAPI使用问号来表示世界其他地方的情况,表示上一件事是0或1。 JSGF uses square brackets for this. JSGF为此使用方括号。 So, I need to convert a string like stuff? 所以,我需要转换类似stuff?的字符串stuff? to [stuff] , and parenthesized strings like ((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)? [stuff] ,以及带括号的字符串,如((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)? to [[[[stuff] that] I] like] . [[[[stuff] that] I] like] I have to leave alone strings like ((((stuff) that) I) hate) . 我不得不留下像[ ((((stuff) that) I) hate)这样的字符串。 As Qtax pointed out, a more complicated example would be (foo ((bar)? (baz))?) being replaced by (foo [[bar] (baz)]) . 正如Qtax所指出的,一个更复杂的示例是将(foo ((bar)? (baz))?)替换为(foo [[bar] (baz)])

Because of this, I have to extract every level of a parenthesized expression, see if it ends in a question mark, and replace the parens and question mark with square braces if it does. 因此,我必须提取带括号的表达式的每个级别,看它是否以问号结尾,如果有,请用方括号替换括号和问号。 I think Eric Strom's answer to this question is almost what I need. 我认为Eric Strom对这个问题的答案几乎是我所需要的。 The problem is that when I use it, it returns the largest matched grouping, whereas I need to do operations on each individual groupings. 问题是,当我使用它时,它将返回最大的匹配分组,而我需要对每个单独的分组进行操作。

This is what I have so far: s/( \\( (?: [^()?]* | (?0) )* \\) ) \\?/[$1]/xg . 到目前为止,这就是我所拥有的: s/( \\( (?: [^()?]* | (?0) )* \\) ) \\?/[$1]/xg When matched with ((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)? 当与((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)?匹配时((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)? , however, it produces only [((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)] . 但是,它仅产生[((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)] Any ideas on how to do this? 关于如何做到这一点的任何想法?

I 一世

You'll also want to look at ysth's solution to that question , and use a tool that is already available to solve this problem: 您还需要查看ysth对该问题的解决方案 ,并使用一个已经可用的工具来解决此问题:

use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed);
$text = '((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)?';

for ($i=0; $i<length($text); $i++) {
    ($match,$remainder) = extract_bracketed( substr($text,$i), '()' );
    if ($match && $remainder =~ /^\?/) {
        substr($text,$i) =
            '[' . substr($match,1,-1) . ']' . substr($remainder,1);
        $i=-1; # fixed

In older Perl versions (pre 5.10), one could have used code assertions and dynamic regex for this: 在较旧的Perl版本(5.10之前的版本)中,可以为此使用代码断言和动态正则表达式:

 my $s = '((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)?';

 # recursive dynamic regex, we need
 # to pre-declare lexical variables
 my $rg;

 # use a dynamically generated regex (??{..})
 # and a code assertion (?{..})
 $rg = qr{
          (?:                       # start expression
           (?> [^)(]+)              # (a) we don't see any (..) => atomic!
            |                       # OR 
           (                        # (b) start capturing group for level
            \( (??{$rg}) \) \?      # oops, we found parentheses \(,\) w/sth 
           )                        # in between and the \? at the end
           (?{ print "[ $^N ]\n" }) # if we got here, print the captured text $^N
          )*                        # done, repeat expression if possible

 $s =~ /$rg/;

during the match, the code assertion prints all matches, which are: 在比赛期间,代码断言将打印所有比赛,其中包括:

 [ (stuff)? ]
 [ ((stuff)? that)? ]
 [ (((stuff)? that)? I)? ]
 [ ((((stuff)? that)? I)? like)? ]

To use this according to your requirements, you could change the code assertion slightly, put the capturing parentheses at the right place, and save the matches in an array: 要根据您的要求使用它,您可以稍微更改代码断言,将捕获括号放在正确的位置,然后将匹配项保存在数组中:

 my @result;
 my $rg;
 $rg = qr{
           (?> [^)(]+)             
            \( ( (??{$rg}) ) \) \?  (?{ push @result, $^N })

 $s =~ /$rg/ && print map "[$_]\n", @result;

which says: 其中说:

 [(stuff)? that]
 [((stuff)? that)? I]
 [(((stuff)? that)? I)? like]

Regards 问候

rbo RBO

You could solve it in a couple of ways, simplest being just executing your expression till there are no more replacements made. 您可以通过两种方式解决该问题,最简单的方法是只执行您的表达式,直到不再进行替换为止。 Eg: 例如:

1 while s/( \( (?: [^()?]* | (?0) )* \) ) \?/[$1]/xg;

But that is highly inefficient (for deeply nested strings). 但这是非常低效的(对于深度嵌套的字符串)。

You could do it in one pass like this instead: 您可以像这样通过一遍来做:

    (?<r>   \( (?: [^()]++ | (?&r) )*+ \)   )

  ( \( )
  (?=   (?: [^()]++ | (?&r) )*+ \) \?   )


  \) \?
  $2? '[': ']'

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