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[英]HTML based email not working properly in asp.net web form

I am working on web form which collects certain user information from users and sends confirmation by email. 我正在使用Web表单,该表单从用户那里收集某些用户信息并通过电子邮件发送确认。 I am trying to user the following approach to send the HTML email as it make managing HTML based email easy. 我正在尝试使用以下方法发送HTML电子邮件,因为它使基于HTML的电子邮件的管理变得容易。

https://gist.github.com/1668751 https://gist.github.com/1668751

I made necessary changes to the code but it is not working. 我对代码进行了必要的更改,但无法正常工作。 I read other related article to make it work but i am doing something wrong. 我阅读了其他相关文章以使其工作,但我做错了事。

Following line of code generates error The replacements dictionary must contain only strings. 以下代码行生成错误The replacements dictionary must contain only strings.

MailMessage msgHtml = mailDef.CreateMailMessage(to, replacements, MessageBody, new System.Web.UI.Control());

I have made many change to the code but it doesnt seem to work for me. 我对代码进行了很多更改,但它似乎对我不起作用。 I would appreciate help to make this code work. 我希望能帮助使此代码正常工作。

If i comment the above line of code with some other changes then i can send email but i can't replace the token. 如果我用其他一些更改注释了上面的代码行,那么我可以发送电子邮件,但不能替换令牌。 Any easy approach to replace token is also welcome. 也欢迎任何简单的替换令牌的方法。

Below is the Complete code i am using right now 以下是我现在正在使用的完整代码

String to, subject, Name;
subject = "Booking Confirmation";
Name = txtName.text;

ListDictionary replacements = new ListDictionary();
replacements.Add("<%Name%>", Name);
replacements.Add("<%Email%>", objVR.Email);
replacements.Add("<%CompanyName%>", objVR.CompanyName);
replacements.Add("<%BookingDate%>", objVR.BookingDate);
replacements.Add("<%BookingTime%>", objVR.TimeSlot);
replacements.Add("<%NoOfVisitors%>", objVR.NoOfVisitors);
replacements.Add("<%BookingCode%>", objVR.BookingUniqueID);

MailDefinition mailDef = new MailDefinition();

string MessageBody = String.Empty;
string filePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;

using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath + @"\en\VREmailEnglish.htm"))
    MessageBody = sr.ReadToEnd();

MailMessage msgHtml = mailDef.CreateMailMessage(to, replacements, MessageBody, new System.Web.UI.Control());

string message = msgHtml.Body.ToString(); 字符串消息= msgHtml.Body.ToString();

Helper.SendTokenEmail(to, subject, msgHtml, isHtml);

public static void SendTokenEmail(string to, string subject, string mailMessage, bool isHtml)
                // Create a new message
                var mail = new MailMessage();

                // Set the to and from addresses.
                mail.From = new MailAddress("noreply@somedomain.net");
                mail.To.Add(new MailAddress(to));

                // Define the message
                mail.Subject = subject;
                mail.IsBodyHtml = isHtml;
                mail.Body = mailMessage.ToString();
                //Object userState = mailMessage;

                // Create a new Smpt Client using Google's servers
                var mailclient = new SmtpClient();
                mailclient.Host = "mail.XYZ.net";
                //mailclient.Port = 587; //ForGmail
                mailclient.Port = 2525;

                mailclient.EnableSsl = false;
                mailclient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

                // Specify your authentication details

                mailclient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("noreply@somedomain.net", "XYZPassword");

            catch (Exception ex)


As pointed out by HatSoft the ListDictionary accepts objects as key and value so this looks like it should work. 正如HatSoft指出的,ListDictionary接受对象作为键和值,因此看起来应该可以工作。

But reading the docs for the CreateMailMessage() method here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0002kwb2.aspx indicates you need to convert the value to a string otherwise it will throw an ArgumentException. 但是在此处http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/0002kwb2.aspx上阅读CreateMailMessage()方法的文档表示,您需要将值转换为字符串,否则它将引发ArgumentException。

So to fix make sure all values you add to the ListDictionary are converted to string ie 因此,要解决问题,请确保将添加到ListDictionary的所有值都转换为字符串,即


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