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[英]WSDL2OBJC for Android?

I have been using Wsdl2Objc to generate proxy's for my web services to use during IPhone dev....it works GREAT! 我一直在使用Wsdl2Objc为我的Web服务生成代理,以便在iPhone开发过程中使用它。

I now need a version similar to it, that will generate Java code, the same way. 我现在需要一个类似的版本,它将以相同的方式生成Java代码。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Thanks 谢谢

There exists wsdltoksoap which can be used to interface with the ksoap2 android library. 存在wsdltoksoap,可用于与ksoap2 android库进行接口。

I have been having problems with the application, however. 但是,我在应用程序方面遇到了问题。 It is getting a null pointer exception on my particular WSDL, but it has worked for others 在我的特定WSDL上,它得到了一个空指针异常,但对其他人却有用

http://code.google.com/p/wsdltoksoap/ http://code.google.com/p/wsdltoksoap/

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