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[英]Pulling in a playlist from Spotify in JSON Format with JS

Is it possible to pull a specific playlist from Spotify with JS and return the playlist in JSON/XML format? 是否可以使用JS从Spotify中提取特定播放列表并以JSON / XML格式返回播放列表?

I have looked at the Spotify Developer portal but it seem's as though all they have are widgets. 我看过Spotify开发人员门户,但似乎他们只有小部件。

Is it possible through Echonest or some other service? 是否可以通过Echonest或其他服务?

将来进行更新:有一个Web API可以做到这一点: https : //beta.developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/playlists/get-playlist/

There is no Web API to do this. 没有Web API可以执行此操作。 If you're running inside a Spotify App or a native libSpotify application you can get playlist details then convert it to JSON yourself. 如果您在Spotify应用程序或本机libSpotify应用程序中运行,则可以获取播放列表详细信息,然后自己将其转换为JSON。

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