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[英]comparing intervals using integers

First off, I know there are many different easier/reliable ways to perform what I am about to ask, but that is not the point of my question. 首先,我知道执行我将要问的问题有许多不同的简便/可靠方法,但这不是我要问的重点。

I am attempting to compare two sets of integers as if they were fractions. 我试图比较两组整数,就好像它们是分数一样。 What I mean by this is suppose I have a 2d array: 我的意思是假设我有一个二维数组:

int array[2][2];

array[0][0] = 2;
array[0][1] = 3;
array[1][0] = 1;
array[1][1] = 50;

How I want to treat these numbers is that the number in: 我要如何处理这些数字是:

array[0][0] = 2 <--- is the numerator array [0] [0] = 2 <---是分子

array[0][1] = 3 <--- is the denominator array [0] [1] = 3 <---是分母

Or just 2/3 in this case. 或者在这种情况下只有2/3。 What I want to do is then compare the two fractions; 然后,我想比较两个部分。

if(2/3 < 1/50){
  //blah blah blah code here

The caveat here is that I can not convert the numbers to floating point numbers to retain their accuracy or create a temporary floating point placeholder. 需要注意的是,我无法将数字转换为浮点数以保持其准确性或创建临时浮点占位符。 Is there any way to compare these using only integer values? 有什么方法可以仅使用整数值比较它们吗?

I also don't know exactly what I should tag for this question, if you think of something let me know and I'll tag it. 我也不清楚我应该为这个问题加上什么标签,如果您认为有什么要让我知道的话,我会予以标记。

Cross multiply the two numerators by one another's denominators 将两个分子的叉数相乘


2/3 vs 1/50th: multiply 50 and 1 by 3 and multiply 2 and 3 by 50. 2/3与1/50:将50和1乘以3,然后将2和3乘以50。

Then you can compare the numerator without having to convert to a float. 然后,您可以比较分子,而不必转换为浮点数。

    // your code here


The most straightforward way is to find the least common multiple, and then convert the numerator. 最直接的方法是找到最小公倍数,然后转换分子。 After that you could compare the numerator as integers. 之后,您可以将分子比较为整数。

ie 2*50 = 100; 即2 * 50 = 100; 1 * 3 = 3; 1 * 3 = 3; ==> 100 > 3 ==> 100> 3

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