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删除 pip 安装的所有软件包的最简单方法是什么?

[英]What is the easiest way to remove all packages installed by pip?

I'm trying to fix up one of my virtualenvs - I'd like to reset all of the installed libraries back to the ones that match production.我正在尝试修复我的一个 virtualenvs - 我想将所有已安装的库重置为与生产相匹配的库。

Is there a quick and easy way to do this with pip?使用 pip 是否有快速简便的方法?

I've found this snippet as an alternative solution.我发现这个片段是一种替代解决方案。 It's a more graceful removal of libraries than remaking the virtualenv:与重新制作 virtualenv 相比,删除库更优雅:

pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y

In case you have packages installed via VCS, you need to exclude those lines and remove the packages manually (elevated from the comments below):如果您通过 VCS 安装了软件包,则需要排除这些行并手动删除软件包(从下面的评论中提升):

pip freeze | grep -v "^-e" | xargs pip uninstall -y

This will work for all Mac, Windows, and Linux systems.这适用于所有 Mac、Windows 和 Linux 系统。 To get the list of all pip packages in the requirements.txt file (Note: This will overwrite requirements.txt if exist else will create the new one, also if you don't want to replace old requirements.txt then give different file name in the all following command in place requirements.txt).获取 requirements.txt 文件中所有 pip 包的列表(注意:如果存在,这将覆盖 requirements.txt,否则将创建新的,如果您不想替换旧的 requirements.txt,请给出不同的文件名在所有以下命令中的地方 requirements.txt)。

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Now to remove one by one现在要一一删除

pip uninstall -r requirements.txt

If we want to remove all at once then如果我们想一次全部删除,那么

pip uninstall -r requirements.txt -y

If you're working on an existing project that has a requirements.txt file and your environment has diverged, simply replace requirements.txt from the above examples with toberemoved.txt .如果您正在处理具有requirements.txt文件的现有项目并且您的环境已经不同,只需将上述示例中的requirements.txt替换为toberemoved.txt Then, once you have gone through the steps above, you can use the requirements.txt to update your now clean environment.然后,完成上述步骤后,您可以使用requirements.txt更新您现在干净的环境。

And For single command without creating any file (As @joeb suggested).对于不创建任何文件的单个命令(如@joeb 建议的那样)。

pip uninstall -y -r <(pip freeze)

This works with the latest.这适用于最新版本。 I think it's the shortest and most declarative way to do it.我认为这是最短和最具声明性的方式。

virtualenv --clear MYENV

But why not just delete and recreate the virtualenv?但是为什么不直接删除并重新创建 virtualenv 呢?

Immutability rules.不变性规则。 Besides it's hard to remember all those piping and grepping the other solutions use.此外,很难记住其他解决方案使用的所有管道和 grepping。

I wanted to elevate this answer out of a comment section because it's one of the most elegant solutions in the thread.我想将此答案从评论部分中提升出来,因为它是该线程中最优雅的解决方案之一。 Full credit for this answer goes to @joeb .这个答案的全部功劳归于@joeb

pip uninstall -y -r <(pip freeze)

This worked great for me for the use case of clearing my user packages folder outside the context of a virtualenv which many of the above answers don't handle.这对我来说非常适合在 virtualenv 上下文之外清除我的用户包文件夹的用例,而上述许多答案都无法处理。

Edit: Anyone know how to make this command work in a Makefile?编辑:任何人都知道如何使这个命令在 Makefile 中工作?

Bonus: A bash alias奖励:一个 bash 别名

I add this to my bash profile for convenience:为方便起见,我将其添加到我的 bash 配置文件中:

alias pipuninstallall="pip uninstall -y -r <(pip freeze)"

Then run:然后运行:


Alternative for Pipenv Pipenv 的替代品

If you are using pipenv , you can run:如果您使用的是pipenv ,则可以运行:

pipenv uninstall --all

Alternative for Poetry诗歌的替代品

If you are using Poetry , run:如果您使用的是Poetry ,请运行:

poetry env remove --python3.9

(Note that you need to change the version number there to match whatever your Python version is.) (请注意,您需要更改版本号以匹配您的 Python 版本。)

Other answers that use pip list or pip freeze must include --local else it will also uninstall packages that are found in the common namespaces.使用pip listpip freeze的其他答案必须包括--local否则它还将卸载在公共命名空间中找到的包。

So here are the snippet I regularly use所以这是我经常使用的片段

 pip freeze --local | xargs pip uninstall -y

Ref: pip freeze --help参考: pip freeze --help

I managed it by doing the following:我通过执行以下操作来管理它:

  1. Create the requirements file called reqs.txt with currently installed packages list使用当前安装的包列表创建名为reqs.txt的需求文件
pip freeze > reqs.txt
  1. Then uninstall all the packages from reqs.txt然后从reqs.txt卸载所有包
# -y means remove the package without prompting for confirmation
pip uninstall -y -r reqs.txt

I like this method as you always have a pip requirements file to fall back on should you make a mistake.我喜欢这种方法,因为如果你犯了错误,你总是有一个 pip 需求文件可以依靠。 It's also repeatable, and it's cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOs).它也是可重复的,并且是跨平台的(Windows、Linux、MacOs)。

Best way to remove all packages from the virtual environment:从虚拟环境中删除所有包的最佳方法:


pip freeze > unins && pip uninstall -y -r unins && del unins

Linux: Linux:

pip3 freeze > unins && pip3 uninstall -y -r unins && rm unins

If not work, change && to ;如果不起作用, &&更改为; in the above commands.在上述命令中。

Method 1 (with pip freeze )方法 1(使用pip freeze

pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y

Method 2 (with pip list )方法 2(使用pip list

pip list | awk '{print $1}' | xargs pip uninstall -y

Method 3 (with virtualenv )方法 3(使用virtualenv

virtualenv --clear MYENV

On Windows if your path is configured correctly, you can use:在 Windows 上,如果您的path配置正确,您可以使用:

pip freeze > unins && pip uninstall -y -r unins && del unins

It should be a similar case for Unix-like systems:对于类 Unix 系统应该是类似的情况:

pip freeze > unins && pip uninstall -y -r unins && rm unins

Just a warning that this isn't completely solid as you may run into issues such as 'File not found' but it may work in some cases nonetheless只是一个警告,这并不完全可靠,因为您可能会遇到诸如“找不到文件”之类的问题,但在某些情况下它可能仍然有效

EDIT: For clarity: unins is an arbitrary file which has data written out to it when this command executes: pip freeze > unins编辑:为清楚起见: unins是一个任意文件,当此命令执行时,它会写入数据: pip freeze > unins

That file that it written in turn is then used to uninstall the aforementioned packages with implied consent/prior approval via pip uninstall -y -r unins然后,它依次编写的该文件用于通过pip uninstall -y -r unins在默示同意/事先批准的情况下卸载上述软件包

The file is finally deleted upon completion.该文件最终在完成后被删除。

我使用 --user 选项卸载用户站点中安装的所有软件包。

pip3 freeze --user | xargs pip3 uninstall -y

The quickest way is to remake the virtualenv completely.最快的方法是完全重新制作 virtualenv。 I'm assuming you have a requirements.txt file that matches production, if not:我假设您有一个与生产相匹配的 requirements.txt 文件,如果没有:

# On production:
pip freeze > reqs.txt

# On your machine:
pip install -r reqs.txt

First, add all package to requirements.txt首先,将所有包添加到requirements.txt

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Then remove all然后全部删除

pip uninstall -y -r requirements.txt 

对于 Windows 用户,这是我在Windows PowerShell上使用的

 pip uninstall -y (pip freeze)

Using virtualenvwrapper function:使用virtualenvwrapper函数:


See wipeenv documentation请参阅wipeenv 文档

Its an old question I know but I did stumble across it so for future reference you can now do this:这是我知道的一个老问题,但我确实偶然发现了它,所以为了将来参考你现在可以这样做:

pip uninstall [options] <package> ...
pip uninstall [options] -r <requirements file> ...

-r, --requirement file -r, --需求文件

Uninstall all the packages listed in the given requirements file.卸载给定需求文件中列出的所有软件包。 This option can be used multiple times.此选项可以多次使用。

from the pip documentation version 8.1来自pip 文档版本 8.1

(adding this as an answer, because I do not have enough reputation to comment on @blueberryfields 's answer) (将此添加为答案,因为我没有足够的声誉来评论@blueberryfields 的答案)

@blueberryfields 's answer works well, but fails if there is no package to uninstall (which can be a problem if this "uninstall all" is part of a script or makefile). @blueberryfields 的答案效果很好,但是如果没有要卸载的软件包,则会失败(如果此“全部卸载”是脚本或 makefile 的一部分,则可能会出现问题)。 This can be solved with xargs -r when using GNU's version of xargs :这可以在使用 GNU 版本的xargs时使用xargs -r解决:

pip freeze --exclude-editable | xargs -r pip uninstall -y

from man xargs :来自man xargs

-r, --no-run-if-empty -r, --no-run-if-empty

If the standard input does not contain any nonblanks, do not run the command.如果标准输入不包含任何非空格,请不要运行该命令。 Normally, the command is run once even if there is no input.通常,即使没有输入,该命令也会运行一次。 This option is a GNU extension.此选项是 GNU 扩展。

pip3 freeze --local | xargs pip3 uninstall -y

这种情况可能是必须多次运行此命令才能获得一个空的pip3 freeze --local

Best way to remove all packages from the virtual environment.从虚拟环境中删除所有包的最佳方法。

Windows: Windows:

pip freeze > unins ; pip uninstall -y -r unins ; del unins

Linux: Linux:

pip3 freeze > unins ; pip3 uninstall -y -r unins ; rm unins

This was the easiest way for me to uninstall all python packages.这是我卸载所有 python 包的最简单方法。

from pip import get_installed_distributions
from os import system
for i in get_installed_distributions():
    system("pip3 uninstall {} -y -q".format(i.key))

the easy robust way cross-platform and work in pipenv as well is:跨平台和在 pipenv 中工作的简单健壮方式是:

pip freeze 
pip uninstall -r requirement

by pipenv:通过管道:

pipenv run pip freeze 
pipenv run pip uninstall -r requirement

but won't update piplock or pipfile so be aware但不会更新 piplock 或 pipfile 所以要注意

Cross-platform support by using only pip :仅使用pip支持跨平台:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from sys import stderr
from pip.commands.uninstall import UninstallCommand
from pip import get_installed_distributions

pip_uninstall = UninstallCommand()
options, args = pip_uninstall.parse_args([
    for package in
    if not package.location.endswith('dist-packages')

options.yes = True  # Don't confirm before uninstall
# set `options.require_venv` to True for virtualenv restriction

    print pip_uninstall.run(options, args)
except OSError as e:
    if e.errno != 13:
        raise e
    print >> stderr, "You lack permissions to uninstall this package.
                      Perhaps run with sudo? Exiting."
# Plenty of other exceptions can be thrown, e.g.: `InstallationError`
# handle them if you want to.

在 Windows 上,如果您的路径配置正确,您可以使用:

pip freeze > unins && pip uninstall -y -r unins && del unins

This works on my windows system这适用于我的 Windows 系统

pip freeze > packages.txt && pip uninstall -y -r packages.txt && del packages.txt

The first part pip freeze > packages.txt creates a text file with list of packages installed using pip along with the version number第一部分pip freeze > packages.txt创建一个文本文件,其中包含使用 pip 安装的软件包列表以及版本号

The second part pip uninstall -y -r packages.txt deletes all the packages installed without asking for a confirmation prompt.第二部分pip uninstall -y -r packages.txt删除所有已安装的软件包,而不要求确认提示。

The third part del packages.txt deletes the just now created packages.txt.第三部分del packages.txt删除了刚才创建的 packages.txt。


pip list | awk '{print $1}' | xargs pip uninstall -y

If you're running virtualenv :如果您正在运行virtualenv

virtualenv --clear </path/to/your/virtualenv>

for example, if your virtualenv is /Users/you/.virtualenvs/projectx , then you'd run:例如,如果您的 virtualenv 是/Users/you/.virtualenvs/projectx ,那么您将运行:

virtualenv --clear /Users/you/.virtualenvs/projectx

if you don't know where your virtual env is located, you can run which python from within an activated virtual env to get the path如果你不知道你的虚拟环境在哪里,你可以从激活的虚拟环境中运行which python来获取路径

In Command Shell of Windows, the command pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y在 Windows 的Command Shell中,命令pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y won't work. pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y不起作用。 So for those of you using Windows, I've figured out an alternative way to do so.因此,对于那些使用 Windows 的人,我已经找到了一种替代方法。

  1. Copy all the names of the installed packages of pip from the pip freeze command to a .txt file.pip已安装软件包的所有名称从pip freeze命令复制到.txt文件中。
  2. Then, go the location of your .txt file and run the command pip uninstall -r *textfile.txt*然后,转到.txt文件的位置并运行命令pip uninstall -r *textfile.txt*

如果你使用pew ,你可以使用wipeenv命令:

pew wipeenv [env]

I simply wanted to remove packages installed by the project, and not other packages I've installed (things like neovim , mypy and pudb which I use for local dev but are not included in the app requirements).我只是想删除项目安装的软件包,而不是我安装的其他软件包(我用于本地开发但不包括在应用程序要求中的neovimmypypudb类的东西)。 So I did:所以我做了:

cat requirements.txt| sed 's/=.*//g' | xargs pip uninstall -y

which worked well for me.这对我来说效果很好。

Select Libraries To Delete From This Folder:选择要从此文件夹中删除的库:

C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib\site-packages C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib\site-packages

Why not just rm -r.venv and start over?为什么不只是rm -r.venv并重新开始呢?

pip uninstall `pip freeze --user`

The --user option prevents system-installed packages from being included in the listing, thereby avoiding /usr/lib and distutils permission errors. --user选项防止系统安装的包被包含在列表中,从而避免/usr/libdistutils权限错误。

This worked for me on Windows:这对我有用 Windows:

pip uninstall -y (pip freeze)

In my case, I had accidentally installed a number of packages globally using a Homebrew-installed pip on macOS.就我而言,我不小心在 macOS 上使用 Homebrew 安装的pip在全球范围内安装了许多软件包。 The easiest way to revert to the default packages was a simple:恢复到默认包的最简单方法很简单:

$ brew reinstall python

Or, if you were using pip3 :或者,如果您使用的是pip3

$ brew reinstall python3

Pip has no way of knowing what packages were installed by it and what packages were installed by your system's package manager. Pip 无法知道它安装了哪些软件包以及系统的软件包管理器安装了哪些软件包。 For this you would need to do something like this为此,您需要做这样的事情

for rpm-based distros (replace python2.7 with your python version you installed pip with):对于基于 rpm 的发行版(将 python2.7 替换为您安装 pip 的 python 版本):

find /usr/lib/python2.7/ |while read f; do
  if ! rpm -qf "$f" &> /dev/null; then
    echo "$f"
done |xargs rm -fr

for a deb-based distribution:对于基于 deb 的分发:

find /usr/lib/python2.7/ |while read f; do
  if ! dpkg-query -S "$f" &> /dev/null; then
    echo "$f"
done |xargs rm -fr

then to clean up empty directories left over:然后清理剩下的空目录:

find /usr/lib/python2.7 -type d -empty |xargs rm -fr

I found the top answer very misleading since it will remove all (most?) python packages from your distribution and probably leave you with a broken system.我发现最佳答案非常具有误导性,因为它会从您的发行版中删除所有(大多数?)python 包,并且可能会让您的系统损坏。

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