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[英]Calling a Lua function from LuaJ

So, I have a script that goes like so: 所以,我有一个类似的脚本:

function testfunction()
    print("Test from testfunction");

I am able to call Java functions from Lua, but how do I accomplish the opposite? 我可以从Lua调用Java函数,但是如何完成相反的操作呢? How do I call a Lua function from Java using LuaJ? 如何使用LuaJ从Java调用Lua函数?

I was looking around to solve this same problem and I came up with something very similar to Profetylen's answer 我正在四处寻找解决同样的问题,我想出了一些与Profetylen的答案非常相似的东西

test.java: test.java:

import org.luaj.vm2.LuaValue;
import org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse.JsePlatform;

public class test
    public static void main(String[] args)
        //run the lua script defining your function
        LuaValue _G = JsePlatform.standardGlobals();
        _G.get("dofile").call( LuaValue.valueOf("./test.lua"));

        //call the function MyAdd with two parameters 5, and 5
        LuaValue MyAdd = _G.get("MyAdd");
        LuaValue retvals = MyAdd.call(LuaValue.valueOf(5), LuaValue.valueOf(5));

        //print out the result from the lua function

test.lua: test.lua:

function MyAdd( num1, num2 )
    return num1 + num2

快速浏览一下LuaJ文档 ,在我看来,你必须获得org.luaj.vm2.LuaFunction对象,表示Lua函数,然后在其上应用invoke方法。

I don't know, maybe this is what you want to do: (This will get you the return values inside Scala) 我不知道,也许这就是你想要做的事情:(这将获得Scala内部的返回值)

Main.scala: Main.scala:

import org.luaj.vm2._
import org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse._

object Main extends App {
    val global = JsePlatform.standardGlobals()

    val args: Array[LuaValue] = Array(LuaValue.valueof(1), LuaValue.valueof(2))
    val retVals: LuaValue.Vararg = global.get("add").invoke(LuaValue.varargsOf(args))


test.lua: test.lua:

function add(a, b)
    a = a or 0
    b = b or 0
    return a + b

Note: I didn't test the code, but it think something like that should work. 注意:我没有测试代码,但它认为类似的东西应该工作。

edit: While googling around, I didn't realize this question had really nothing to do with Scala (I was myself looking to solve the problem in Scala when I got here). 编辑:当谷歌搜索时,我没有意识到这个问题与Scala无关(当我到达这里时,我本人正在寻找解决Scala中的问题)。 However, demon_ds1 seems to have found a solution in Java based on my answer and now he gave his own answer, so I'm glad something good came out of this confusing answer! 然而,demon_ds1似乎已经根据我的回答在Java中找到了解决方案,现在他给出了自己的答案,所以我很高兴从这个令人困惑的答案中得到了好处!

The examples are really helpful. 这些例子非常有用。 It is very simple to call Lua code from java anyways, since you can always do it via something like loadstring. 无论如何从java调用Lua代码非常简单,因为你总是可以通过像loadstring这样的东西来实现它。

https://github.com/sylvanaar/luaj/blob/master/luaj-vm/examples/jse/SampleJseMain.java https://github.com/sylvanaar/luaj/blob/master/luaj-vm/examples/jse/SampleJseMain.java

https://github.com/sylvanaar/luaj/blob/master/luaj-vm/examples/jse/ScriptEngineSample.java https://github.com/sylvanaar/luaj/blob/master/luaj-vm/examples/jse/ScriptEngineSample.java

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