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[英]Error-logging for javascript on client side

My project which contains a lot of pages with forms. 我的项目包含很多带有表单的页面。 This is a backend of banking CRM system, so any error during working process is to be captured and investigated. 这是银行CRM系统的后端,因此可以捕获和调查工作过程中的任何错误。 On the server side we have enhanced java exceptions system, but if error occurs on client side - javascript the only info we now get is an js-error window in IE or sometimes a screenshot of page made by advanced user. 在服务器端,我们有增强的java异常系统,但是如果在客户端发生错误 - javascript我们现在获得的唯一信息是IE中的js-error窗口,或者有时是高级用户制作的页面截图。

Javascript code contains both Jquery-powered UI extensions and hard-coded inline event handlers and functions. Javascript代码包含Jquery支持的UI扩展和硬编码的内联事件处理程序和函数。

So I am asking whether any approach for capturing js-errors of any kind could be used? 所以我问是否可以使用任何捕获任何类型的js-errors的方法? some additional library or something that could give me a stacktrace like firebug in Mozilla or web-console in Chrome? 一些额外的库或某些东西可以给我一个像Mozilla中的firebug或Chrome中的web控制台的堆栈跟踪?

Look into window.onerror . 查看window.onerror If you want to capture any errors, and report them to the server, then you could try an AJAX request, perhaps. 如果您想捕获任何错误并将它们报告给服务器,那么您可以尝试使用AJAX请求。

window.onerror = function(errorMessage, errorUrl, errorLine) {
        type: 'POST',
        url: 'jserror.jsf',
        data: {
            msg: errorMessage,
            url: errorUrl,
            line: errorLine
        success: function() {
            if (console && console.log) {
                console.log('JS error report successful.');
        error: function() {
            if (console && console.error) {
                console.error('JS error report submission failed!');

    // Prevent firing of default error handler.
    return true;

Disclaimer: I'm CEO and creator of Sentry , an open source and paid service which does crash reporting for many languages, including Javascript. 免责声明:我是Sentry的首席执行官和创始人,这是一种开源和付费服务,可以为许多语言(包括Javascript)进行崩溃报告。

It can be pretty challenging to capture frontend exceptions. 捕获前端异常可能非常具有挑战性。 Technology has gotten better (browser JS engines), but there's still a lot of limitations. 技术已经变得更好(浏览器JS引擎),但仍有很多局限性。

  1. You're going to need a server-side logging endpoint. 您将需要一个服务器端日志记录端点。 This has a few complexities as it's possible to abuse it (ie PEN testers may try to expose vulnerabilities in it). 这有一些复杂性,因为它可能会滥用它(即PEN测试人员可能会尝试暴露其中的漏洞)。 You also need to deal with CORS here. 你还需要在这里处理CORS。 I'd obviously recommend Sentry for this, as we're best in class, and if you want you can host the server yourself (as its open source). 我明显推荐Sentry,因为我们在课堂上是最好的,如果你愿意,你可以自己托管服务器(作为开源)。
  2. The implementation of actually capturing the errors in your code is pretty complicated. 实际捕获代码中的错误的实现非常复杂。 You cant rely on window.onerror for various reasons (mostly because browsers historically give bad information here). 由于各种原因你不能依赖window.onerror (主要是因为浏览器历史上在这里提供了不好的信息)。 What we do in the raven.js client (which is based on TraceKit) is patch a number of functions to wrap them in try/catch statements. 我们在raven.js客户端(基于TraceKit)中所做的是修补许多函数来将它们包装在try / catch语句中。 For example, window.setTimeout . 例如, window.setTimeout With this we're able to install error handlers that will generate full stacktraces in most browsers. 有了这个,我们就可以安装错误处理程序,在大多数浏览器中生成完整的堆栈跟踪。
  3. You'll want to ensure you're generating sourcemaps for your code, and that the server handling the data supports them. 您需要确保为代码生成源映射,并且处理数据的服务器支持它们。 Sentry does this both by scraping them automatically (via the standards) or allowing you to upload them via an API . Sentry通过自动(通过标准)抓取它们或允许您通过API上传它们来实现这一点。 Without this, assuming you're minifying code, things become almost unusable. 如果没有这个,假设您正在缩小代码,事情几乎无法使用。
  4. The last major issue is noise. 最后一个主要问题是噪音。 Most browser extensions will inject directly into your scripts so you need to filter out the noise. 大多数浏览器扩展将直接注入您的脚本,因此您需要过滤掉噪音。 We solve this in two ways: a blacklist of patterns to ignore (ie "Script error." being the most useless), as well as a whitelist of domains to accept (ie "example.com"). 我们以两种方式解决这个问题:要忽略的模式黑名单(即“脚本错误”是最无用的),以及要接受的域名白名单(即“example.com”)。 We've found the combination of the two being effective-enough at removing most random noise. 我们发现两者的组合在消除大多数随机噪声方面足够有效。

Some things you should be aware of on the server: 您应该在服务器上注意的一些事项:

  • Clients will sometimes persist open (ie a bot, or a bad user) and cause large amounts of useless data or simple old errors. 客户端有时会持续打开(即机器人或坏用户)并导致大量无用数据或简单的旧错误。
  • Your server should be able to handle a cascade of these events and fail gracefully. 您的服务器应该能够处理这些事件的级联并正常失败。 Sentry does this by rate limiting things and sampling data. Sentry通过限速和采样数据来做到这一点。
  • Exceptions are localized into the browser language, and without a centralized database you will be stuck translating them yourself (though its generally obvious what they mean). 异常被本地化为浏览器语言,如果没有集中式数据库,您将无法自己翻译它们(尽管它们的含义通常很明显)。

If you want to do painless implementation just put up this guys javascript code in your app. 如果你想做无痛的实现,只需在你的应用程序中放置这个人的javascript代码。 Else If you want to implement one, then try this to get the stacktrace on window error and you can use ajax to report the errors. 否则如果你想实现一个,那么试试这个以获得window error的堆栈跟踪,你可以使用ajax来报告错误。 A nice way to track errors reported by olark 跟踪olark报告的错误的好方法

http://exceptionhub.com Should to the trick. http://exceptionhub.com应该诀窍。 http://errorception.com/ Does not provide as much information for debugging, but also seems nice. http://errorception.com/不提供调试信息,但也很好看。

proxino don't seem to know what they are doing, they where incuding a complete jQuery in their logger code to log onerror events last time i checked. proxino似乎不知道他们在做什么,他们在他们的记录器代码中包含一个完整的jQuery来记录我上次检查时的错误事件。 I wouldn't trust a service that has so little grasp of client side JavaScript to log my JavaScript errors. 我不相信一个对客户端JavaScript很少掌握的服务来记录我的JavaScript错误。

I recommend to use JsLog.me service 我建议使用JsLog.me服务

It can capture whole console output in addition to errors and stacktraces. 除了错误和堆栈跟踪之外,它还可以捕获整个控制台输出。 We use it in our projects, logging whole console log helps our QA team to record issue-reproduction way. 我们在项目中使用它,记录整个控制台日志有助于我们的QA团队记录问题再现方式。 Also, it works well with large JSON objects like in Chrome console, and has a search. 此外,它适用于Chrome控制台中的大型JSON对象,并且具有搜索功能。

If your website is using Google Analytics, you can do what I do: 如果您的网站使用的是Google Analytics,您可以执行以下操作:

window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error) {
  if (error) message = error.stack;
  ga('send', 'event', 'window.onerror', message, navigator.userAgent);

A few comments on the code above: 关于上面代码的一些评论:

  • For modern browsers, the full stack trace is logged. 对于现代浏览器,将记录完整堆栈跟踪。
  • For older browsers that don't capture the stack trace, the error message is logged instead. 对于不捕获堆栈跟踪的旧浏览器,将记录错误消息。 (Mostly earlier iOS version in my experience). (根据我的经验,大多数早期的iOS版本)。
  • The user's browser version is also logged, so you can see which OS/browser versions are throwing which errors. 还会记录用户的浏览器版本,因此您可以查看哪些操作系统/浏览器版本正在抛出哪些错误。 That simplifies bug prioritization and testing. 这简化了错误优先级和测试。
  • This code works if you use Google Analytics with "analytics.js", like this . 如果你使用谷歌分析“的analytics.js”,此代码的工作是这样 If you are using "gtag.js" instead, like this , you need to tweak the last line of the function. 如果你使用“gtag.js”, 就像这样 ,你需要调整函数的最后一行。 See here for details . 详情请见此处

Once the code is in place, this is how you view your users' Javascript errors: 代码到位后,您就可以查看用户的Javascript错误:

  1. In Google Analytics, click the Behavior section and then the Top Events report. 在Google Analytics中,点击“ Behavior部分,然后点击“ Top Events报告。
  2. You will get a list of Event Categories. 您将获得一个事件类别列表。 Click window.onerror in the list. 单击列表中的window.onerror
  3. You will see a list of Javascript stack traces and error messages. 您将看到Javascript堆栈跟踪和错误消息的列表。 Add a column to the report for your users' OS/browser versions by clicking the Secondary dimension button and entering Event Label in the textbox that appears. 通过单击“ Secondary dimension按钮并在显示的文本框中输入“ Event Label ,为用户的操作系统/浏览器版本添加一列报告。
  4. The report will look like the screenshot below. 该报告将如下面的屏幕截图所示。
  5. To translate the OS/browser strings to more human-readable descriptions, I copy-paste them into https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/useragents/parse/ 要将操作系统/浏览器字符串转换为更易于阅读的描述,我将它们复制粘贴到https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/useragents/parse/


Atatus captures JavaScript errors and also captures the user actions that preceded the error. Atatus捕获JavaScript错误并捕获错误之前的用户操作。 This would help in better understanding of the error. 这有助于更好地理解错误。 Atatus helps you in monitoring your frontend, not just for errors, but also its performance(Real User Monitoring) Atatus帮助您监控前端,不仅仅是出错,还有其性能(真实用户监控)

https://www.atatus.com/ https://www.atatus.com/

Disclaimer: I'm a web developer at Atatus. 免责声明:我是Atatus的网络开发人员。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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