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关于Javascripts Prototype的几个问题

[英]A few questions about Javascripts Prototype

I am coming at Javascript from a classical OOP background and am having trouble with understanding the prototype. 我从经典的OOP背景来看Javascript并且在理解原型方面遇到了麻烦。

Given the code example below: 给出下面的代码示例:

  1. How would I call/execute bar in foo? 我如何在foo中调用/执行bar?
  2. why use the "privileged" function instead of putting it on the prototype? 为什么要使用“特权”功能而不是把它放在原型上?
  3. This is probably answered in Q1 but can bar1 and bar2 call each other? 这可能在第一季回答,但bar1和bar2可以互相呼叫吗?

     function foo() { this.property = "I'm a property"; this.privileged = function() { // do stuff } } foo.prototype.bar = function() { // do stuff } foo.prototype.bar2 = function() { // stuff } 

There's a lot of FUD about this to this day. 到目前为止,有很多关于此的FUD。

1). 1)。 Simple usage: 用法简单:

var xxx = new foo();  // Create instance of object.
xxx.privileged();  // Calls the internal closure.
xxx.bar();  // First looks for internals, then looks to the prototype object.

2). 2)。 This basically creates a closure that can only be modified on the instance. 这基本上创建了一个只能在实例上修改的闭包。 Not a private at all (since anything can talk to it through the object instance), but rather an individual copy of a function, where each instance of the object gets a new copy of the function. 根本不是私有的(因为任何东西都可以通过对象实例与它交谈),而是函数的单个副本,其中对象的每个实例都获得该函数的新副本。 You can alter the function itself, but you cannot alter it globally. 您可以更改函数本身,但不能全局更改它。 I'm not a big fan of this method of creating things. 我不是这种创造方法的忠实粉丝。

3). 3)。 Yes: 是:

foo.prototype.bar = function(){

foo.prototype.bar2 = function(){
// Although... NEVER do both.  You'll wind up in a circular chain.

For edification, I built you a fiddle which should help show how things get called: http://jsfiddle.net/7Y5QK/ 为了启发,我为你建立了一个小提琴,它应该有助于展示如何调用它们: http//jsfiddle.net/7Y5QK/

1) frist is some as Clyde Lobo's an answer: 1)frist是Clyde Lobo的答案:

var f = new foo();

2) write a function on consturctor (privileged), every instance will create a new one, if defined a method on prototype , every instance share the same prototype 's method: 2)在consturctor上写一个函数(特权),每个实例都会创建一个新的,如果在prototype上定义了一个方法,每个实例共享同一个prototype的方法:

var f1 = new foo(), // instance 1
    f2 = new foo(); // instance 2

f1.privileged === f2. privileged // -> false , every instance has different function
f1.bar === f2.bar // -> true, every instance share the some function

3) You can call bar2 in bar' by this.bar()`, code like this: 3)你可以bar' by this.bar()来调用bar' by bar2 ,代码如下:

function foo() {
   this.property = "I'm a property";

   this.privileged = function() {
      // do stuff

foo.prototype.bar = function() { // defined a method bar
    alert('bar called');
    this.bar2(); // call bar2

foo.prototype.bar2 = function() { // defined a method bar2
    alert('bar2 called');

var f = new foo();
f.bar(); // alert 'bar called' and 'bar2 called'
f.bar2(); // alert 'bar2 called'
  1. You can execute bar in foo by doing this.bar(); 你可以通过执行this.bar();来执行foo中的bar this.bar(); but it will only work if you use new foo(); 但它只有在你使用new foo();时才有效new foo(); and have an object inheriting from foo . 并且有一个继承自foo的对象。 Otherwise, if you just call foo(); 否则,如果你只是调用foo(); , this will point to the global object. this将指向全局对象。

  2. It's essentially the same thing only the properties and methods you give the inheriting object inside the function have access to any arguments you pass to foo . 它本质上是相同的,只有你给函数内部的继承对象提供的属性和方法才能访问你传递给foo任何参数。

  3. Yes, they can call each other since functions are "hoisted". 是的,他们可以互相打电话,因为功能是“悬挂的”。 They have access to all the variables and objects in their nearest outer scope, and in their functional context. 他们可以访问最近的外部作用域中的所有变量和对象,以及它们的功能上下文。

You actually have syntax errors in your code. 您的代码中确实存在语法错误。 Where you were assigning the prototype you didn't create a function. 在分配原型的地方,您没有创建函数。 You meant: 你的意思是:

foo.prototype.bar = function() { /* ... */ };

1.You can create an instance of foo like 你可以创建一个像foo的例子

var f = new foo();

and then call f.bar() and f.bar2() 然后调用f.bar()f.bar2()

points 2 & 3 are already explained by David 大卫已经解释了第2点和第3点

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