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[英]Set the gravity of an element when zooming?

I'm injecting an iframe into a webpage, to act as a toolbar for another element, but unfortunately the elements act weirdly when zooming. 我正在将iframe注入网页中,以充当其他元素的工具栏,但是不幸的是,缩放时这些元素的行为很奇怪。 The toolbar seems to gravitate towards the topleft corner, and the element towards the top-center. 工具栏似乎偏向左上角,元素偏向顶部中心。 This means when zooming in they go into each other, and when zooming out they go way too far apart. 这意味着在放大时它们会彼此进入,而在缩小时它们会相距太远。 is there any way to set this gravity? 有什么办法设置这个重力?


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