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计算 Pandas DataFrame 中一组列的平均值的最有效方法

[英]Most efficient way to calculate the mean of a group of columns in a pandas DataFrame

I have a DataFrame with columns like this:我有一个带有如下列的DataFrame

["A_1", "A_2", "A_3", "B_1", "B_2", "B_3"]

I'd like to "collapse" the various A and B columns in a single column each and calculate their mean value.我想将各个 A 和 B 列“折叠”在一列中并计算它们的平均值。 In short, at the end of the operation I'd get:简而言之,在操作结束时,我会得到:

["A", "B"]

where "A" is the column-wise mean of all "A" columns and "B" the mean of all "B" columns.其中“A”是所有“A”列的列均值,“B”是所有“B”列的均值。

As far as I understood, groupby is not suited for this task, or perhaps I'm using it incorrectly:据我了解, groupby不适合此任务,或者我使用它不正确:

grouped = data.groupby([item for item in data if "A" not in item])

If I use axis=1 , all I get is an empty DataFrame when calling mean(), and if not I'm not getting the desired effect.如果我使用axis=1 ,则在调用 mean() 时得到的只是一个空的 DataFrame ,否则我将无法获得所需的效果。 I would like to avoid building a separate DataFrame to be fillled with the means via iteration (eg by calculating means separately then adding them like new_df["A"] = mean_a ).我想避免构建一个单独的 DataFrame 以通过迭代来填充手段(例如,通过单独计算手段然后像new_df["A"] = mean_a一样添加它们)。 Is there an efficient solution for this?有没有有效的解决方案?

You want to make use of the built-in mean() function that accepts an axis argument to specify row-wise means.您想使用内置的mean()函数,该函数接受axis参数来指定逐行均值。 Since you know your specific column name convention for the different means that you want, you can use the example code below to do it very efficiently.由于您知道您想要的不同方式的特定列名称约定,因此您可以使用下面的示例代码非常有效地完成此操作。 Here I chose to just make two additional columns rather than to actually destroy the existing data.在这里,我选择只创建两个额外的列,而不是实际销毁现有数据。 I could have also put these new columns into a new data frame;我也可以将这些新列放入一个新的数据框中; it just depends on what your needs are and what's convenient for you.这只是取决于您的需求是什么以及什么对您来说方便。 The same basic idea will work in either case.相同的基本思想在任何一种情况下都适用。

In [1]: import pandas

In [2]: dfrm = pandas.DataFrame([[1,2,3,4,5,6],[7,8,9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16,17,18]], columns = ['A_1', 'A_2', 'A_3', 'B_1', 'B_2', 'B_3'])

In [3]: dfrm
   A_1  A_2  A_3  B_1  B_2  B_3
0    1    2    3    4    5    6
1    7    8    9   10   11   12
2   13   14   15   16   17   18

In [4]: dfrm["A_mean"] = dfrm[[elem for elem in dfrm.columns if elem[0]=='A']].mean(axis=1)

In [5]: dfrm
   A_1  A_2  A_3  B_1  B_2  B_3  A_mean
0    1    2    3    4    5    6       2
1    7    8    9   10   11   12       8
2   13   14   15   16   17   18      14

In [6]: dfrm["B_mean"] = dfrm[[elem for elem in dfrm.columns if elem[0]=='B']].mean(axis=1)

In [7]: dfrm
   A_1  A_2  A_3  B_1  B_2  B_3  A_mean  B_mean
0    1    2    3    4    5    6       2       5
1    7    8    9   10   11   12       8      11
2   13   14   15   16   17   18      14      17

I don't know about efficient, but I might do something like this:我不知道效率,但我可能会做这样的事情:

~/coding$ cat colgroup.dat
~/coding$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 20 2012, 22:44:07) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pandas
>>> df = pandas.read_csv("colgroup.dat")
>>> df
   A_1  A_2  A_3  B_1  B_2  B_3
0    1    2    3    4    5    6
1    7    8    9   10   11   12
2   13   14   15   16   17   18
>>> grouped = df.groupby(lambda x: x[0], axis=1)
>>> for i, group in grouped:
...     print i, group
A    A_1  A_2  A_3
0    1    2    3
1    7    8    9
2   13   14   15
B    B_1  B_2  B_3
0    4    5    6
1   10   11   12
2   16   17   18
>>> grouped.mean()
key_0   A   B
0       2   5
1       8  11
2      14  17

I suppose lambda x: x.split('_')[0] would be a little more robust.我想lambda x: x.split('_')[0]会更健壮一点。

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