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GWT Eclipse插件安装

[英]GWT Eclipse plugin installation

I've installed Google's Eclipse plugin and GWT Designer in my Eclipse Juno. 我已经在Eclipse Juno中安装了Google的Eclipse插件和GWT Designer。 The installation was completed successfully but unfortunately no GWT Designer options appeared. 安装成功完成,但是很遗憾,没有出现GWT Designer选项。 I can't even deploy my GWT app to .war file. 我什至无法将我的GWT应用程序部署到.war文件。

How can I solve this problem? 我怎么解决这个问题?

Unfortunately I think you will have to wait until google releases GWT designer for eclipse 4.2 (Juno). 不幸的是,我认为您将不得不等到Google发布Eclipse 4.2(Juno)的GWT Designer。 Unless of course you have solved this already, if so then please share :) 除非您当然已经解决了,否则请分享:)

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